Particles Out Running The Speed Of Light

You guys have to keep in mind that particles traveling through mass faster than the speed of light has not been unseen, the biggest thing, and what Einstein used in hie Theory of relativity is particles traveling through a vacuum faster than the speed of light is not possible, simply because as mass approaches the speed of light, the amount of energy needed to accelerate it faster increases exponentially, and actually reaching the speed of light requires, mathematically at least, an infinite amount of energy. Teleportation is way off, and using a black hole (or worm hole) is infeasible as the gravity increases so much as you get closer. Simply put, the gravity at your feet is so much stronger than at your head that it would rip you in half, and then your halves in half and so forth and so forth until you were simply atoms, and at that point, you would be long dead. There is a lot more behind all this than I can touch on at the moment, but I was considering going to college to become an astrophysicist before I joined the Air Force. I love Space and everything about it.
He told me once and you don't know my teacher, so don't talk shit about him :P.....Just realized your the most judgmental person of all time. xD
Also, something on/off topic on the mayan calender. Ever wonder how many idiots are gonna commit suicide because of 2012? :P
I got spoon fed the same stuff when I was in high school. I don't really think it's ANY history teacher's place to be speculating about the completely non-historical, entirely speculative theory that something vaguely catastrophic is going to happen on a particular day because some mystical seer said so.

You need to think before you start making personal attacks at me. I said nothing about the validity or character of your teacher, I only stated that that is not something that a HISTORY teacher should be talking about.
Can we keep the hostility out of here please, we are trying to hold intellectual discussions ;) If you have an issue, just put it in a PM, that way people that shouldn't get involved don't, like me.
I got spoon fed the same stuff when I was in high school. I don't really think it's ANY history teacher's place to be speculating about the completely non-historical, entirely speculative theory that something vaguely catastrophic is going to happen on a particular day because some mystical seer said so.

You need to think before you start making personal attacks at me. I said nothing about the validity or character of your teacher, I only stated that that is not something that a HISTORY teacher should be talking about.
read teachers as teacher also why bother about it. -.- also im done.