There is a strong potential that Nikki will, indeed, be attending Dragoncon.

As to PAX:

Team9000 attends PAX East in an official capacity. That is the convention we attend. I am a west coaster(technically-ish) and will be traveling from Las Vegas this year, while last year I was traveling from Utah.
PAX Prime is the venerable father of PAX East, and I do not know of any who are attending, off the top of my head.

On a related note, in case you hadn't heard, this year Mojang is holding MineCon in Las Vegas, and Team9000 will be attending.
Nice location for you then! Well it was fun to see Mojang's booth among others, of course didn't win anything in the raffle :(

Anyway, Prime was a blast as always, and you guys have fun at East as well as Minecon!