PC vs. Xbox 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii - You decide in the ultimate console battle!

PC vs. Xbox 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii - You decide in the ultimate console battle!

This is my first thread and I figured that it would be about a widely debated topic. All you need to do is put your opinions and we will see who comes out on top! Please don't get too abbusive and take all points into consideration, enjoy the thread!
pc, because of no xbl points and free DLC (mostly.....sometimes.....dammit Bioware youre letting me down -_-)
They are all good. None is better, and by none I mean everyone has a biased opinion. I love xbox360 and pc. Others would like WII and PS3 and other such things. The reason I like xbox is because of memories with my original xbox, I had a better time on my xbox than on my play station because my brothers hogged that. PC because I played games on my old PC, like red alert! However, WII is fun when you have large groups of people, its a party console for sure. PS3, meh. (sorry, just my bias, not saying its not good, just saying it is my least favorite).

Board games.
Does not compute! -head asplodes-
if i ever get a console, it would be a playstation, because xbox only tries to do things a pc can do multiple times better. PS3 from my perspective has more CONSOLE type games like LBP and Ratchet and Clank rather than FPS. Also FPS totally doesnt work on a console. (IMHO). Also for the same price of a console you can plug a mid-end pc to your tv and have the same graphics level.
Imma let you finish, but Candyland is one of the best games of all time, of ALL TIME!
Awesome response, keep going! My idea on the mac response is to not completely disallow them, as there isn't a great selection of games, so I am counting them as a half vote for PC. The score now is 2 1/2-0-1-0 and 2 points for board games, lol!