
Well-Known Member
Just the other day as I was casually sipping tea at a relatives house I was having a conversation with a small child about video games. I have no recollection as to how it got to video games, but someway or another I ended up asking him "Have you ever even played a horror game before?" to which he replied "I SO HAVE!!! I'VE PLAYED CALL OF DUTY!" and a little piece of my tiny heart died. Before I exploded into pieces, mature-me decided to scare the living daylights out of him and started playing horror games around the little snot gobbler. I've tried FEAR, Dead Space, Bioshock- Fuck, EVEN AMNESIA. To my dismay this appears to only have broken me even more, as it seems that I was the only one getting scared and this SMALL, STUPID, GOOFY BRAT finds it kind of funny (not even me! the games! Amnesia isn't supposed to make you laugh :( ). No matter what game I show him nothing seems to scare the little fuck, so I with my limited horror game library am now looking towards the INTERNET. Suggest a game, depending on availability I'll get it, and see what I can do.


^me being stupid because I'm scaring myself to bits to prove a point EDIT to a ten year old.
On a side note, I'm just as scaredy-cat as you towards horror games. CoD is fine for me (but the zombies), though Dead Space scares the living daylights outta me. (Serves me right for buying a game recommended 18+ !)

Try the whole series of Resident Evil games. A hell lotta more realistic graphics than Dead Space. And zombie ambushes of all kinds. The Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles are pretty scary on the Wii, I must admit, especially if you have a giant TV like me.
i was about to suggest amnesia until i read the op, id suggest the paranoia mod for half life, make sure to have subtitles on!
No, no, no! You can't just play the games in front of him. You need to make him play the game. Half the scariness in a bunch of those games is having to react to the stuff that happens.

Though not that I play any horror games. Not really my thing...

My brother seems to mention Fatal Frame every time we talk about any sort of scary game though, so there's my suggestion
s.t.a.l.k.e.r. may get scary in one of it's multiple monster infested underground hallways.
No, no, no! You can't just play the games in front of him. You need to make him play the game. Half the scariness in a bunch of those games is having to react to the stuff that happens.

Though not that I play any horror games. Not really my thing...

My brother seems to mention Fatal Frame every time we talk about any sort of scary game though, so there's my suggestion

What Patch said, a lot of the most intense games rely on you playing it, you lose a lot of that intensity if you watch someone else play.
I'd recommend, Doom 3, Condemned or the Silent Hill series.
You could probably get Resident Evil 4 on sale for pretty cheap. Like Vincent said, playing it on a HUGE TV and putting the brightness down in-game and in whatever room your in helps a lot. Making him play the game is also a great way to get started. I wish you the best of luck in your horror quest drsheep!
I'm too scared even to read your guys ideas for scary movies, considering some people in T9K, are, well.

Here, I bet this will help you understand:


P.S Guess who is who ^

And, some other times, it's like this.


Or this

OR EVEN SOMETIMES, Casham will dress up like a panda and ruin everyones day.