Pokemon Black and White Friend code and discussion thread

0776 3734 4707
name is: black (yes i'm not creative with naming people)

People on my list (ps i'll try to keep it updated):
I finished the game :3 I got it on the 4th and I beat it in 4 days.

4813 6187 5821
Name: Oliver

Oh and:

Just built it :3
I finished the game :3 I got it on the 4th and I beat it in 4 days.

4813 6187 5821
Name: Oliver

Oh and:

Just built it :3
Awesome, can't go wrong building pokemon.

It's kind of disappointing that snivy has the lowest base stats of the 3... but it is the coolest.
Grown men and women. I like pokemon too.

I'm waiting for the $$$ to buy the game. So probably in a week I'll share my fc :D
<-- Liked pokemon.. Now there are just too many to be able to catch them all :(. I have up to leaf green and fire red (or w/e they are called) on the gameboy. As far as I went with hand held gaming.

Real men hunt pokemon with spears and lances... catch'em using bear traps and tranquilizers. And then finally, gut them, crave'em up, and turn their children into orphans. And also turn their innards into armor so they can kill more pokemon... like this guy for instance
If you are still catching them with pokeballs, at least carry a machete or a Barret .50 cal, so those candy vans won't follow you around.
If I was a pokemon, I would either:
A. Run for my life if I was weak.
B. If I was strong, kill him and avenge my brothers!
C. Call in the military or Ash or something.
If I was a pokemon, I would either:
A. Run for my life if I was weak.
B. If I was strong, kill him and avenge my brothers!
C. Call in the military or Ash or something.

A pokemon military is absurd since team rocket formed in 1974 and i killed everyone in an underwater city.