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poniez wil nvr b pceful


Well-Known Member
you want me tell you why? probably not, but heck, that's what i'm here for. poniez wil nvr b pceful because posting pony images and discussing episodes of MLP is perfectly acceptable, however speaking out against ponies triggers a sizable backlash. by saying that ponies are childish or effeminate, i am apparently calling pony lovers "lame" and "girly." that is not the case, to each his own, so i'm allowed to state my opinion if pony lovers are able to state theirs, right?

no, Wooty pointed out to me that i am incorrect by sending me a "rule infraction notice" which i surely did not deserve. i said that the ponies must die, yet by supporting the ponies, aren't the pony lovers implying that ponies must live? i am apparently on the "wrong" side of this argument which is over OPINIONS <------ most important necessary word in this whole business.

sorry for seeing ponies in a different light. if pony loving is acceptable, pony hating should be equally acceptable, or else this community is awfully slanted in favor of pony lovers. if i come outright and call a pony lover a fruitcake, that's one thing, but if the all-important poobah interpreter of rules reads wayyyyy too far into my post and decides that i am viciously attacking all pony lovers, that's another. so all i'm asking you to do is give hate a chance <3
It's not about the hate, it's about having different tastes. We all can't enjoy the same pony images.
You do realize the more people complain the more problems there are and the less people complain and come to peace with it the more peace there is? I for one am impressed with the way a lot of haters have come to peace with the ponies and how mature they are now dealing with a problem with a fellow brony. Mostly what im seeing from you is just...unnecesary ranting I guess? Also aren't you"not" supposed to discuss messages that Wooty privately sends you, for reasons being that there private. Also I kinda agree with Karma, grammar is needed in this. :p
Rsmv, Quincy is free to do as he wishes with any private messages that he has received -- there's nothing wrong with that. It may cause him to lose my trust, but that is another point entirely.
And to quincy, there is nothing wrong with this blog post. While I'm unhappy that you do not see the same great community ponies have to offer, that is your ordeal, and not mine. I am also disappointed that you choose to express yourself in this manner, as blog posts like this typically incite nothing more than further conflict within the community. If you were truely interested in the future of Team9000, you would find a way to voice your opinion that is more understanding and friendly. But alas, that is your ordeal as well, not mine.
Wooty: i wasn't aware that i ever had ANY of your trust. the first thing i wish is that you make yourself more accessible to the community, you rarely if ever return my not-trolling personal messages and i feel like i don't know you, i've only seen you post an occasional picture or comment on my blog in a professional manner (not that professionalism is bad in my opinion, it's just i'd prefer to know you and other admins on a personal rather than professional level).
i also wish that decisions weren't solely up to you, not that you've done a terribad job, but that a second opinion could be extremely helpful when it comes to I DON'T KNOW BANNING NARWHALS OR SOMETHING. also, i'm just pretty pissed that this pony issue has caused such a rift in the community, people i used to get along with seem to give me the cold shoulder due to my opinions. should i start giving my pony-loving friends the same cold shoulder for THEIR opinions? seems awfully lopsided in my opinion.
p.s. to all those people insulting my grammar, do you honestly think i'm trying? do you? do you really? really?
like I stated in jerzey's thread, the main gathering point is casual gaming and gaming journalism. I am avidly indifferent to the pony trend that has swept across the forums. I am here for the community, and I am here for having fun and playing games with eachother. In a community as large as this one, there will be disagreements, and there will be agreements between the members, but ultimately, it should really be to each his own. do ponies show up on the majority of the site, currently yes, but it will eventually change, will they ever go away probably not.
but ultimately, you still have a lot of members who feel you are a welcomed part of this community, and who cares that you don't like the ponies, I don't like them and they can try to push them on me all they want but in the end it does not matter, so as I said before, lets play some games, have a few laugh out loud conversations and pay no attention to the pony behind the curtain.