Probably too late for this...

Evenin Sir Top_of_the_world, i dont beleive we have met. *tips Hat* (top hat btw ) I' mightythedj23. Charmed, im sure :p
Welcome, Sir Top, to the T9K Keep! Just be careful not to flirt with the King's daughter, I heard the last guy who tried to is now "decorating" the gallows, next to the castle's flag.
ello there ol' chap, I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents of wisdom now ya hear?
1.) raisins are a big no no before a camping trip
2.) the best way to talk to a lady is not via the boobs it is in the eyes moite
3.) insert random bullshit reason that has nothing to do with the subject
anyway it is a wonderful experience talking to you in classic and your tf2 skills are getting much better, just yell for the medic a bit more
This is now a thread about Dr. Who.