Protest to Bann Skyrim.

Those guys are jelly that they cant make better.. And plus, what's the rating for skyrim? what are kids even doing playing games they are too young for? and end minecraft? those dumb christ dudes must learn that obama CANT stopt he rest of the world and tell em what to do. i say christwire should go suck a big purple blocky penis.
Christwire said:
SKYRIM LINGO: DOVAHKIIN – Is the supposed citizens of Skyrim, but is a code word that means:
D – Dirty
O – Orifice
V – Violation
A – Always
H – Hurts
K – Keep
I – Injecting
I – It
N – Naiant

Creeper said:
People tend to exaggerate what mormons believe, but they still do believe in some pretty weird stuff.

It also could be a baptist, since they can't drink alcohol or dance. (my grandparents are baptist)
4) To create a national database of videogame avatars and "screen names" so that teenagers can be better monitored.

wat. (i know it's satire, no need to point it out to me lol...)