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Pvp in survival (old thread de-railed)


New Member
Last thread got hardcore derailed! If you have a suggestion or idea start your own thread, this one's mine. I really like this server but am considering spending less time on it to play more pvp. So this thread is solely for trying to push the admins to understand that there is major support for this idea. This thread is for people to agree or disagree (thats it!) Do NOT get off topic this time.

1. PVP arena with many signs warning of Pvp (last thread people didnt understand the word arena)
a·re·na (-rn) noun.
a. An enclosed area for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.
2. Far away from main spawn. If this is the case though. If you die in pvp arena it would be nice to re spawn at arena entrence or else it would get very annoying.
3. Towny Enabled (optional)
4. Prep rooms and Viewing stands with no PVP
5. Easy transportation to and from the arena, yet hidden from newbies. (again optional)
6. Must be designed so no one player or team has an advantage over another.

I don't want to see pictures of pvp arenas, comments on any of the items of my list, or discussion about when this server had pvp and the noobs were bitching. I only want to see Yes and no's... Who knows if this is even going to happen.
ok, throwing most ideas as well as must haves together to produce:

  • PVP Area

  • Far Away from spawn

  • Noob Proof

  • Towny Enabled

  • Prep rooms and Viewing stands with no PVP

  • Easy transportation to and from the arena, yet hidden from newbies.

  • Must be designed so no one player or team has an advantage over another.

anything else? :3
Redbox... delete both of your posts now... this is the reason the other thread was derailed.... Please delete BOTH of your posts.............................................................................................
the other one was never derailed.
and you don't "own" me. I do as I please.
and everyone knows what happens when they say they "own" me.
I'm honestly not trying to be a "badass" I first asked nicely... I say thank you to everyone. I just don't get why some people feel as if they need purposefully derail the topic. Again thank you to bobthebuilder for posting in the correct manner. I really don't see what is so hard about it... I'm not trying to get anything over on anyone, im not trying to make someone out to be below me. I'm showing no signs of initial disrespect and would request that redbox, you give back the same respect that i gave to you on my first request to have your posts deleted.
