Random Video of the Moment Discussion Thread


Well-Known Member
So the current random video of the moment on the home page features a violinist and her shadow.

Holy crap, never before have I ever wanted to make out with a shadow... But seriously, I could poke that.
yeah she's been around for a while, always making amazing music and awesome videos and very pretty of course.
I'm really excited because I heard on the radio at work that she'll be making a tour stop in my town on May 23rd x3 soooo getting tickets to that show!

Just how can one man express so much emotion? I wonder what kind of memories he summons up for these performances, and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.

Just how can one man express so much emotion? I wonder what kind of memories he summons up for these performances, and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.
All I know is when he was on set of Ghost Rider 2, he HONESTLY believed himself to be Ghost Rider.

Also, apparently AncientReality finished downloading Half-Life 3 if you caught that.

okay, so I've wanted to do this sort of mix for a while using the sounds from my work area in a dishroom.
