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Rank Colors....?

i heard you want more colors, so there....
Can we let this thread die now please? The guy made a valid point, and it was a suggestion, nothing more.

/k thanks
i agree with changing them tbh, its hard to distinguish the difference of the admins and what there real rank is unless you stay on long enough to know them in the community. i just think maybe adding 2 more colors wouldn't hurt or kill anyone. just a suggestion so dont jump down my throat.

Pro - Looks Sexy
Epic - Looks even sexier! :D
i agree with changing them tbh, its hard to distinguish the difference of the admins and what there real rank is unless you stay on long enough to know them in the community. i just think maybe adding 2 more colors wouldn't hurt or kill anyone. just a suggestion so dont jump down my throat.

Pro - Looks Sexy
Epic - Looks even sexier! :D
/info player
i agree with changing them tbh, its hard to distinguish the difference of the admins and what there real rank is unless you stay on long enough to know them in the community. i just think maybe adding 2 more colors wouldn't hurt or kill anyone. just a suggestion so dont jump down my throat.

Pro - Looks Sexy
Epic - Looks even sexier! :D
relax bro,

The reason they are the same color is that those three ranks fall under the same category of 'admin' and it's actually more intuitive for guests and cools to know that any player with a red name is an admin rather than remembering three different colors.
I don't see how hard it can be to memorize them

Owner = Wooty aka Wooty + Ozy

Epic = ACCCOT (Akamus, Casey, Casham, Conrod, OlleeOllee, Tofurkey)

Pro = Alimber damashki Dasbeast Godliberator kagato75 Moondoggy23 PatchouIi

Basically, if it's a moose, a faux turkey, Bender from Futurama, or starts with "C", it's an epic.