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Rank Names

Well, I actually was an Engineer for a year. I'm not sure where you're getting your information, though. The common thought seems to be that Engi's are moderators, and I have no idea where that came from. Engineers are merely Builders trusted with the kick privilege. Nothing more.
And of course everyone is expected to build, it is Minecraft, but not everyone needs to. Building is not a requirement for becoming Engineer, is what I was trying to say. Also, engineers are not builders with kick privileges, or else there would be much more of them. They are responsible, mature members of the community who are trusted with moderating abilities.
And of course everyone is expected to build, it is Minecraft, but not everyone needs to. Building is not a requirement for becoming Engineer, is what I was trying to say. Also, engineers are not builders with kick privileges, or else there would be much more of them. They are responsible, mature members of the community who are trusted with moderating abilities.
Engineers ARE Builders trusted with kick privileges, because they are trusted Builders.
Well, first off, the rank names will not be changed. There are a few ranks that will have their color changed one of these days, but only when Woot decides to get around to it. As it stands, Woot is the only one who can change rank names/colors, so there isn't much we can do with that but wait on him.

Also, just to clarify. While in most servers, someone who can kick is a moderator, an engineer isn't necessarily a moderator. Here at team9000, we do not promote people expecting them to feel like more responsibility is placed on their shoulders. No one, moderator or admin, has to moderate. Everything here is volunteer, and having fun and building is the first and most important thing, something we stress to all the admin and moderators newly promoted. Engineer/awesome/pro/epic (I feel epic requires a certain responsibility, but I am sure woot disagrees) are all builders with extra powers. We demote people for inactivity merely so that our numbers reflect the active members and so we don't have a million people running around with crazy mod/admin powers. Its more for accountability, and has nothing to do with the player "not doing their job" (which they don't have to do in the first place).

tl;dr No one here is necessarily an admin or mod, because that would assume they have extra responsibilities. They do not, they merely have access to extra commands so they can help out if they ever feel like it, but it is not a requirement.

Sorry for the long wall of text and off topic post. As far as name changes go, not going to happen. Its hard enough just to get Woot to change their colors. Classic is kind of self sustaining now, so Woot pretty much just leaves it alone.
Ok, thanks for the reply! I understand Team9000's rank system a lot more now. I doubted this would work in the first place, but you guys left a lot of helpful replies and I learned a lot, so thank you! :D
Ok, thanks for the reply! I understand Team9000's rank system a lot more now. I doubted this would work in the first place, but you guys left a lot of helpful replies and I learned a lot, so thank you! :D

Of course, never hesitate to ask or throw your ideas out here. While we may not implement every idea, or most, that does not mean your ideas are bad or we don't consider them. We are always looking for ways to improve, so we are always excepting people's insight. If you ever feel like you need to discuss something more privately, feel free to message one of us admin, as we are always glad to assist where we can.
So now that we have that cleared up, this thread now derails into a post-your-proposed-ranks-that-will-never-happen thread.

For example:
Scott Tennerman
Mrs. Garrison
And the Holy Kenny