Rap & Country

"I just.... don't like rap because of how people picture it now a days. It's all about bitches, sex, money, cars, vodka and whiskey, beer, wine, Kim Kardashian and vaginas..... or penises if their into that sort of thing...." isn't an opinion, you're making a definition of how people supposedly 'picture it now a days'.

stop, and reconsider before you reply to this.
I am not defining rap by using that, I am stating that i do not listen to it because of the content, not the tone. Do i seriously have to explain everything i say in complete detail?

You obviously think rap music means Drake and Lil Wayne hahaha. Delve a little deeper and you might find the real side to rap, not just shitty mainstream hip hop ♥

Yes, when i think of music from rappers i know. Sadly, i do not know any of the good rappers.....
I am not defining rap by using that, I am stating that i do not listen to it because of the content, not the tone. Do i seriously have to explain everything i say in complete detail?

Yes, when i think of music from rappers i know. Sadly, i do not know any of the good rappers.....

"I just.... don't like rap because of how people picture it now a days. It's all about bitches, sex, money, cars, vodka and whiskey, beer, wine, Kim Kardashian and vaginas..... or penises if their into that sort of thing...."

Defining rap as a whole is exactly what you're doing and yes, if you want to get your point across, don't leave half arsed responses that require you to connect near non-existent dots to understand your point. This isn't an elaborate plot in an anime or tv drama rather a discussion where points should be made as clear as possible, regardless if they are done in long paragraph or short sentence. Your first post was in no way clear on what your actual opinion was unless you specifically went out of your way to connect the dots, like I did.

I am not defining rap by using that, I am stating that i do not listen to it because of the content, not the tone. Do i seriously have to explain everything i say in complete detail?

Yes, when i think of music from rappers i know. Sadly, i do not know any of the good rappers.....

Although I don't agree with all of his examples of good rappers, Examples were provided by Rem earlier consisting of rappers such as Snak the Ripper, Nappy Roots, Dan Bull, Professor Green. If you actually want to listen to good musicians in the genre, then checking out these artists will point you in the right direction.

Edit: It's 1:48 AM and I have school + an essay due tomorrow so if any more discussion on this matter continues, I will provide my input if I feel it is needed and more importantly, If I feel like providing said input itself.
"I just.... don't like rap because of how people picture it now a days. It's all about bitches, sex, money, cars, vodka and whiskey, beer, wine, Kim Kardashian and vaginas..... or penises if their into that sort of thing...."

Defining rap as a whole is exactly what you're doing and yes, if you want to get your point across, don't leave half arsed responses that require you to connect near non-existent dots to understand your point. This isn't an elaborate plot in an anime or tv drama rather a discussion where points should be made as clear as possible, regardless if they are done in long paragraph or short sentence. Your first post was in no way clear on what your actual opinion was unless you specifically went out of your way to connect the dots, like I did.

Although I don't agree with all of his examples of good rappers, Examples were provided by Rem earlier consisting of rappers such as Snak the Ripper, Nappy Roots, Dan Bull, Professor Green. If you actually want to listen to good musicians in the genre, then checking out these artists will point you in the right direction.

Edit: It's 1:48 AM and I have school + an essay due tomorrow so if any more discussion on this matter continues, I will provide my input if I feel it is needed and more importantly, If I feel like providing said input itself.
thankyou for writing what i didn't have the patience or motivation to do myself.
thankyou for writing what i didn't have the patience or motivation to do myself.

No problem, I have a lot of time on my hands and I think I've gained some patience after dealing with the excessive amount of 9 year old's we've been getting on survival recently but I'll keep that out of this thread.

Off to bed now..
"I just.... don't like rap because of how people picture it now a days. It's all about bitches, sex, money, cars, vodka and whiskey, beer, wine, Kim Kardashian and vaginas..... or penises if their into that sort of thing...."

Defining rap as a whole is exactly what you're doing and yes, if you want to get your point across, don't leave half arsed responses that require you to connect near non-existent dots to understand your point. This isn't an elaborate plot in an anime or tv drama rather a discussion where points should be made as clear as possible, regardless if they are done in long paragraph or short sentence. Your first post was in no way clear on what your actual opinion was unless you specifically went out of your way to connect the dots, like I did.

I was not intending it, i didn't realize i was making it clear. I thought i already made it clear that i didn't intend to be stereotypical about rap with my second statement, but someone got angry and started trashing me about my first statement.

Oh, and thank you forcing my over-sensitive nerves into derailing the thread. (goes to hide from thread derailment comments)
I was not intending it, i didn't realize i was making it clear. I thought i already made it clear that i didn't intend to be stereotypical about rap with my second statement, but someone got angry and started trashing me about my first statement.

Oh, and thank you forcing my over-sensitive nerves into derailing the thread. (goes to hide from thread derailment comments)

I can never make sense of anything you say. So confusing.
I like rap more than I like country, probably because the suburban lifestyle connects with me more than country.

Interesting thought, though... don't you think what music you enjoy determines who you make friends with and what your personality is like? It doesn't seem like it's just a coincidence that most of my friends like rock a lot.
I like rap more than I like country, probably because the suburban lifestyle connects with me more than country.

Interesting thought, though... don't you think what music you enjoy determines who you make friends with and what your personality is like? It doesn't seem like it's just a coincidence that most of my friends like rock a lot.

There is nothing "suburban" about real rap. Real rap came from the project in big cities like New York, where poverty, crime and untimely deaths are a part of everyday life. Most real rappers come from that environment, not from suburbia.
Suburban rap? What would it be about? Taking out the trash and getting the kids to soccer practice in your pimped out minivan?
There is nothing "suburban" about real rap. Real rap came from the project in big cities like New York, where poverty, crime and untimely deaths are a part of everyday life. Most real rappers come from that environment, not from suburbia.
Suburban rap? What would it be about? Taking out the trash and getting the kids to soccer practice in your pimped out minivan?
Perhaps I used the wrong term. I meant the city life connects with me more than country.
You obviously think rap music means Drake and Lil Wayne hahaha. Delve a little deeper and you might find the real side to rap, not just shitty mainstream hip hop ♥
Like, I see people criticizing different styles of music and I find that pretty appalling.

It's not fair to judge whole genres on select individuals. There's commercial pap and then there's good stuff.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of either rap or country, but I keep my mind open.
I want to use that statement fairly loosely too, because that's implying that I'm shut off to all rap or all country.

One of my favourite musicians is Robert Plant (frontman of Led Zeppelin). He's best known for his rock, but he's produced some very good bluegrass / country stuff as well.

One of my favourite bands is Gorillaz. Despite what many say about them, the reason I like the work that collective produces is because they make a blend of a whole bunch of different styles - rap, pop, alternative, prog, etc.

I'd say it's good to keep an open mind and not to define yourself. Tastes change. I used to hate EDM, say, but now I'm quite a fan. I would not be able to name any dubstep artists but I can say I enjoy those sounds, even though I don't play that type of music.
(Hard to make wub wubs on a guitar.)
Perhaps I used the wrong term. I meant the city life connects with me more than country.
That makes sense.
I don't like most rap becase all of it has no real meaning to it.All it taught me to do is "Pop dat pussy"
And I like a little but Country,like Johnny Cash
I've never liked country. I can't relate to the lyrics and I find the sound of it dull and boring to say the least.

Most rap I do not like. However, nerd rap such as Heath McNease or MC Frontalot is fantastic. And I love everything by The Flobots.

[collapse=Rap I like]Flobots

MC Frontalot

Heath McNease
I pretty much agree with a lot that's been said here; I like rap that has actual meaning to its lyrics. Not that same repetitive generic stuff that appears to inundate the mainstream. Rap about the the realities and struggles of the poor, or about modern society and how fucked up it is, is far more preferable to me than a rap about an arbitrary female wearing "boots wit' da' furrr".

It's not fair to judge whole genres on select individuals. There's commercial pap and then there's good stuff.

Yes. So much yes. Every genre has its crap and its good stuff (to the surprise of many people). As a child, I had made the mistake of thinking otherwise: all rap == bad. The fact that it was rap made it bad. I was proven wrong eventually, and I never looked back.

Now, on to the subject of country.

I've lived in the south ever since I was but a young lad of eight(?). My mother adores country; and she took us to school every morning. So I received a healthy dose of country for much of my childhood. I still don't like it, for the most part. I can't relate to it. It's not that country itself is bad, it's just that I can't get into it. I will still listen to it once in a while just to check it out, but that's about it.

Oh well.

[Mc Frontalot and Flobots]
It's nice to see another person that likes Flobots. I've only met one other.
I don't really enjoy mainstream country, as a resident of Georgia, I feel it gives me a bad image. I don't drink beer, and I hate driving trucks. But I do thoroughly enjoy folk and bluegrass. Rap, I listen to Common, but that's about it. Rap is the same sort of thing, but not for me. I've never met a black person who does any of the things Drake, Snoop Dogg, and Lil Wayne rap about.