Reddit Moments Thread


Well-Known Member
Since a lot of people take a lot of 4chan ones and post em around, thought we should have a reddit moment thread.

Because it's awful and vaucous?
Because it sucks in original content, spews it out under another name without giving credit, and shit-i-fies it?
Because I'm scared of that fucking foetal monkey logo thing?
- There are worse places
- Actually, despite half the stuff on /wtf a lot of the stuff there is stuff people do in there lives. Also, I dont know about you, but about 99% of the people here are actually more intelligent and reasonable then half the people you probably know and you can actually have a intelligent conversation with them.
- Hes not that creepy.
- There are worse places
- Actually, despite half the stuff on /wtf a lot of the stuff there is stuff people do in there lives. Also, I dont know about you, but about 99% of the people here are actually more intelligent and reasonable then half the people you probably know and you can actually have a intelligent conversation with them.
- Hes not that creepy.
You don't know the people I know.

Also, on the scale of things, I think 4chan's better than Reddit.

Also, I don't care, that fucking scrotum-blank-stare-monkeyfucker rustles my jimmies.
Also, on the scale of things, I think 4chan's better than Reddit.
Eh, I think I like reddit more because after visiting 4chan and visiting reddit numerous times and based on my experiences I picture people from reddit to look like this, and people from 4chan like this.

Maybe it was just my experience with certain places but whatever.

Also, I don't care, that fucking scrotum-blank-stare-monkeyfucker rustles my jimmies.
Honestly, I dont blame you.
4chan and Reddit are everything from stupid to intelligent. It really depends on where you go.
First experience with reddit -> Went to /wtf -> went to /politics
First experience with 4chan -> Went to /b/ -> went to /mlp/ (as fast as I fucking could to bleach my brain)

So yeah, your right. Still, I only go to 4chan for mlp. I fear the rest of the site.
First experience with reddit -> Went to /wtf -> went to /politics
First experience with 4chan -> Went to /b/ -> went to /mlp/ (as fast as I fucking could to bleach my brain)

So yeah, your right. Still, I only go to 4chan for mlp. I fear the rest of the site.

Well, there's a place for everyone, I guess. *shrugs*
First experience with reddit -> Went to /wtf -> went to /politics
First experience with 4chan -> Went to /b/ -> went to /mlp/ (as fast as I fucking could to bleach my brain)

So yeah, your right. Still, I only go to 4chan for mlp. I fear the rest of the site.
No joke, /mlp/ is one of the more trolly boards.

I would recommend /v/ or /co/. /v/ has all of the good things about /b/ without the /b/tards, and /co/'s fairly chill.

But some of the 18+ boards are fucked.
Gurw, never go to the Handsome Men board.
Eh, its more about what thread you click on.
It's always a game of Russian Roulette.
But from what I've seen, /b/ and /mlp/ are both the best, and worst, boards, in terms of the hyperbola between worst place ever / gentlemanly win.

And that's the only time ever I'll call anything pony "win".

I'm just having some perspective, as I am a manly manly man who has travelled his internets.