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Rileyrp, taylorxd196 and Turner534 please respond


Haven't seen you guys in a good while, though your builds are still standing.

Please come online to tell me what the situation is (or respond to me on the forums).

I give you guys the chance to respond till New Year. If by then you haven't responded, I'm gonna have to clear out your plots so new, active residents can join the town.

as a semi reminder some people that are in school dorms tend to go home on holidays and may not have the means to log in while on holiday vactions. just thought i would point this out.
Thanks Falon, hadn't thought of that yet. Though most people would say it beforehand if they wouldn't be able to play for so long.
I ain't seen rileyrp for a looooooooong time, I don't think he's comin back, he's probably doin school and such, when I seen him last it was school break for public school, he also may be online at different points of the day, when we're offline, I reckon there's a reason for his absence, he also may not be comin to T9K anymore because of the wipe, or maybe he joined another server, we don't know, I guess he just left because of some major thing in his life, he may or may not come back, not sure...
Found him on a <redacted>
Might be him, might not be, no idea, looks like his skin though. I looked up his skin on an app, it's him, I'm sure of it
Did this thread really have to be bumped? Seeing how the world was wiped this thread is kind of useless now so there really isn't any point to keep responding to it.
Lets Kill this thread, come one everyone we will become a rowdy mob and hang this thread together till its dead dead dead...
Lets Kill this thread
Did someone say "Kill this thread?"
60's Spiderman12.jpg
Why was this thread necro'd in the first place, it holds no relevance at this current point of time and won't again.
Well, it isn't the last response, lol, and what's 'CerealKeep' and 'Ascension'? Those sound kinda weird... Anyway, lol, and hey KeebyFTW, and dude, lay back a might, it's not like we're spammin, we're just havin some fun, nothin bad, k? We're okay... And lol again :p :D

Since you clearly don't understand my response let me explain it for you more slowly. Ascension and CerealKeep are towns in the Long-Term Survival World. This thread has absolutely no more purpose so it should not be revived even if you're just "havin some fun." And who is we? Because it seems like you are the only one who keeps responding. Please, I ask that you just stop responding to this thread and let it die.
Um, turner534 posts on here, also Falon does once and a while, and if ya ain't noticed, Arkastian looks at this thread once and a while, I don't know why you're makin this such a big deal, and I ain't gonna 'let it die', this is a free country, I can post on here as much as I want till Wooty or Ozy or Tofurkey come and close this thread (which I highly doubt it), and till then, I'm gonna respond to this thread and communicate with my fellow Minecraft players, so, go post a 'Ascension' or 'CerealKeep' post nd quit botherin me, good grief...

Last time I checked Turner was for the thread dying. Falon is just silly on the forums so doing what he does is not a good idea. And Arkastian probably looks at the thread because of the big red number on the top-right of the screen when someone responds, but even if he does look at it he is not responding to it.

I noticed you responded after I posted this. I'll just not respond. This means I'll get to see how many consecutive posts you get before someone tells you to use the edit button. That should be quite entertaining.