Saturday MS Derps


Well-Known Member
Post doodles you make or add to in Microsoft Paint here! (Saturdays not required, but I figured a nostalgic trip to bygone times of Saturday Morning cartoons seemed appropriate for the shenanigans to follow.)

... and Now, for the Crystals of this post:

After an interesting series of topics discussed in Mumble, Googling Transgendered Juggalo Yiffer Porn (with safe search off) led some people in a chat room to topics on Twilight Sparkle, then to an odd picture within a DeviantArt account...

Now, notice some interesting... details in the picture. Here is a Link to the Original Gallery
We discussed how this picture could be so much more, so That_Taco_Guy and I added some more detail to the original.

here is the result of the picture's T9k conversion: