Say No To Internet Censorship, Please.


Well-Known Member
So this is getting serious, and I might as well make a new thread to get this message out.
People in the United States, you need to contact your senators and representatives and let your
voice be heard, let's not break something that is really good (the internet). It is a cradle for human
knowledge and creativity, I'd like it to stay as free as possible, and I'm sure you would too. Don't let
special interests win.

"As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
- Commissioner Pravin Lal ( From Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri )

Article 19 of the "U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
The internet is perfectly fine the way it is, this will ruin the internet entirely in a whole.
A wise man once said...
A Wise Man said:
That is the address of the whitehouse. You should find the mailing address for a representative of your state.
Fellow T9k members,

Do not let the american censorship website scare you into taking action. The bill in question is designed to close some copywright infringement loopholes overlooked by a previous bill that has already been passed. This bill allows attorneys to take action against websites that illegally commit acts of piracy or traffic/stream copywrited material (this is music, movies, and other such media owned privately). The rights of the First Amendment and Due Process (the accused's right to a trial) are still observed. If they weren't, this would be a much bigger issue than it is.

Remember, there is a difference between free information exchange and free property exchange. This bill seeks to limit the latter if it infringes copywright and piracy laws.

Troll website is troll.

Please look to credible sources such as or for information on the bills.
Fellow T9kadians,

Do not let the american censorship website scare you into taking action. The bill in question is designed to close some copywright infringement loopholes overlooked by a previous bill that has already been passed. This bill allows attorneys to take action against websites that illegally commit acts of piracy or traffic/stream copywrited material (this is music, movies, and other such media owned privately). The rights of the First Amendment and Due Process (the accused's right to a trial) are still observed. If they weren't, this would be a much bigger issue than it is.

Remember, there is a difference between free information exchange and free property exchange. This bill seeks to limit the latter if it infringes copywright and piracy laws.

Troll website is troll.

Please look to credible sources such as or for information on the bills.
Says the Canadian.
What does being a Canadian have to do with anything exactly? We read the news just like american's, and american issues end up in our news just like canadian issues end up in yours.
I was trying to make a joke as this is AMERICAN Censorship, not Canadian Censorship.
Ahh, it just sounded like an insult to me. If America's internet broke, it would probably break ours to since we're so close. :(
Yeah, I have nothing against Canadians, I was just saying that someone un-american says America being censored will be OK. And yes, I agree with Lacar, it probably won't be bad, just annoying. However, for people who severely rely on pirating to get games and watch TV, it may cause a big difference. The only thing I use that could get censored is My Little Pony.