Say No To Internet Censorship, Please.

Well people will probably find a way around it within a few weeks. People aren't going to want to pay for things that used to be free. If not, move to Canada! Downloading is legal here, but uploading isn't. :P
Yeah, I have nothing against Canadians, I was just saying that someone un-american says America being censored will be OK. And yes, I agree with Lacar, it probably won't be bad, just annoying. However, for people who severely rely on pirating to get games and watch TV, it may cause a big difference. The only thing I use that could get censored is My Little Pony.

Look on my profile page Joshuame. Location says Madison, WI, USA. I live in a city where people are advocating the recall of a governor who seeks to deny public sector workers their right to negotiate their terms of employment with state government.

EDIT: I used the term "T9kadians" without knowing that it refered to the Canadian members of T9k specifically. I am trying to reason with all of the more excitable members on T9k. I mean, think about the sense of your actions. Are you acting independently, having taken into consideration both sides of the argument and making an educated decision? Or are your actions derived from a sense of urgency to do something based on one side's firey argument whose purpose is to try to persuade you to join their cause?
Look on my profile page Joshuame. Location says Madison, WI, USA. I live in a city where people are advocating the recall of a governor who seeks to deny public sector workers their right to negotiate their terms of employment with state government.

EDIT: I used the term "T9kadians" without knowing that it refered to the Canadian members of T9k specifically. I am trying to reason with all of the more excitable members on T9k. I mean, think about the sense of your actions. Are you acting independently, having taken into consideration both sides of the argument and making an educated decision? Or are your actions derived from a sense of urgency to do something based on one side's firey argument whose purpose is to try to persuade you to join their cause?

I have read both bills, they are not just closing loopholes, and I am completely against it. Congress members have no idea what the impacts of these bills will be and are trying to slap a simple solution over a complex problem, potentially causing more problems.

For anyone that has the time.

Stop Online Piracy HR 3261.pdf
Protect IP
I have read both bills, they are not just closing loopholes, and I am completely against it. Congress members have no idea what the impacts of these bills will be and are trying to slap a simple solution over a complex problem, potentially causing more problems.

For anyone that has the time.

Stop Online Piracy HR 3261.pdf
Protect IP

I have read both bills as well. I still don't see any problems with two bills aimed at protecting intellectual property rights and preventing websites from illegally distributing copywrited material and advertising and selling goods and services that harm public health. If anything, it would just eliminate the convenience of illegally downloading movies, music and anything of which you should be paying for, for free.

Also, I haven't read anything about anything getting censored, just people who will be put on trial for setting up illicit websites.

I do have some concerns with this bill giving investigative organizations the power to look into potentially incriminating websites and suggest amendments to this bill.

GreenEarth, could you point out specific passages (give section and line numbers) that you take issue with, please. Perhaps we can discuss this.

I will say that one thing is certain: one of us is misled.
I have read both bills, they are not just closing loopholes, and I am completely against it. Congress members have no idea what the impacts of these bills will be and are trying to slap a simple solution over a complex problem, potentially causing more problems.

For anyone that has the time.

Stop Online Piracy HR 3261.pdf
Protect IP

I'm fairly certain this is the big companies like Warner Bro's just speaking through the government, perhaps in the form of bribes, just so they can get that small percentage of income they are losing from piracy, which they don't need anyways. These laws will just go out over the people, so they won't be able to use the internet freely anymore. This won't have any effect on piracy at all, anyways. IMO, what the US needs are more parties, more options on what to vote on. It sure would be interesting if the US Pirate Party (or perhaps any other party) had like 20% of the votes, maybe bills like these wouldn't be proposed.
From what I've heard and read, all the major internet companies such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube are really against this bill, so they alone may be able to stop it from passing.
From what I've heard and read, all the major internet companies such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube are really against this bill, so they alone may be able to stop it from passing.
Funny, since atleast both Google and YouTube already are censoring the internet. Besides, if the government is on the copyright holders payroll, then why would they care if all the biggest "internet companies" are against it?
Considering the American internet industry as a whole is completely against this, I am hoping this bill won't ever come to effect.
Well they can advertise it all over their sites, and if that fails then they could possibly bribe people to not pass the bill. They do have enough money for it.
Do we have any idea which party is for and which is against? Or is this bill getting support from both sides of the table?