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School Life for Me


Active Member
Well, as a middle school kid, life is fairly easy. I usually consider myself lucky. I have a lot of liberty, not to mention my activity here. I love school. One of the best things that possibly happened to me. Here's the schedule:

Period 1: Band
Period 2 and 3: A-Day - Social Studies, B-Day - English
Period 4: P.E./Health
Period 5: Lunch
Period 6 and 7: A-Day - Science, B-Day - Geometry
Period 8: Latin II

So as you can see, life is not too hard. The subjects are rather easy (I'd have better grades for these if I could care more). My most favorite is Band, since I can just stand around and do random things, yet while listening to great music.
My best day.

Lesson1-2: Free lesson
Lesson3: English
Lesson4-5: Drama
Lesson6-7:Free Lesson

Right now, every day has at least two lines of free lessons.
1- Statistics
2-AP Chemistry
3-PE for Freshmen
4-Adv English 9
5- Metalshop
6-Spanish 1
You're in middle school o: And I thought I was one of the youngest people on T9K.

1. Child Developement (i learn about babies and shit)
2. Debate (fuck logic)
3. Web Mastering (script kiddy class)
4. Geometry (howthefuckdoidothis.jpg)
5. English II GT (my only advanced class)
6. IPC (it's chemistry)
7. Business (srs bsns)
8. World History (not even remotely challenging)

The public education system here makes school so boring.
My day, Monday-Saturday:

0500: Wake up
0600: Drive gf to work
0700: Start my work
1900: Leave work (unless working extra hours)
1915: Arrive home
1930: Shower, eat supper, light workout, etc.
2000: Do whatever is convenient and relaxing for an hour (usually computer/reading)
2100: Crash into bed

Welcome to the real world kids!
1. Spanish IV
2. Honors IB Literature
3. Data Modelling/ SQL Programming
4. Honors IB Chemistry
5. IB Pre- Calculus
6. Honors IB 20th Century Studies
7. Drawing
1. Yearbook
2. Spanish 1
3. Homeroom (best. homeroom. ever.)
4. Algebra A (pre algebra in highschool, don't judge)
5. Ancient Civ
6. Theology 1
7. PE

Except it changes everyday. A, B, C, and D. Complications.
I hated middle school. It was full of assholes who made everyday living hell for me just because I was different. But I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Life at school:
6:45 Wake Up
7:00 Down to Breakfast with friends
7:30 Return back to dorm to shower and shit
8:15 Down to our studies to finish off work/derp around
9:00 Go to lessons
11:10 Break
11:35 Lessons
1:00 Lunch
(Wednesdays/Thursdays/Saturday we finish lessons here)
2:15 (Rest of the days except Sundays lessons start)
3:40 Lessons end
4:00 Sports and stuff
6:00 Dinner/Supper/Whateverthefuck
Then I spend my time doing my work or derp around on T9K
8:00 Sometimes my friends drag me to the gym to do shit
The time I sleep varies, if I'm tired: 10-11 Not tired: 11-12 (call me a pussy ;D)
@vorsprung Man, I would make a fuggin' comic about that. Like the other one I made about you