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Shall I Consider A Rebuild?


New Member
Hello Classic Community,

If you were a T9K member, and had played on Cool 43, you could have noticed a medium sized space ship in construction, predominantly white and blue, with the pixel art "Nahel Argama" in front of two bells and an L.
It's near the bottom left hand side.

Now, I never got around to finishing that. As it is there was a rather good pixel art of The King of Pop himself behind the Nahel Argama, and I didn't want to block it. I simply stopped playing after that.

Should I rebuild the Nahel Argama on another world, [better, of course] or, in the name of originality, I start on something else?

I want your thoughts and opinions. Many thanks,
-30 mins later-
OHHHHHH There it is!

I really couldnt find it -.-

Yeah you should rebuild it, would be cool :3