

Active Member
If you haven't already heard of it, there's a free indie game called Slender that's been rapidly picking up popularity. If you haven't already checked it out, you should. I've found it to be very fun. Post your videos/stories/screenshots here.
I played it once. When i saw Slenderman appear, I gave him $20, then he dissappeared and I got a congratulations screen and the credits rolled.

Slenderman $20.jpg
I got 7 pages.... And then turned off my PC. The best way to play this is with a headset or headphones with the volume up fairly loud and a pitch black room.
*Running around, getting lost*
Where the hell is slendy?
Oh look, a container...
And a truck!

Oh goodie a piece of paper!
*Sees slenderman*
*Slendermans stands there*
*Walk away looking at the tree tops*
*Look back, slendy has moved*

*Runs into tree*
*Finds another piece of paper*
"Don't look or he TAKES YOU"
*Turn around*
*Sees slendy behind me*

And that's the story of how beese noped
If you do not like this game put on some Dubstep and some Pinkie Pie Party and Play the game while hearing dubstep and pinkie pie party Dubstep
If you haven't already heard of it, there's a free indie game called Slender that's been rapidly picking up popularity. If you haven't already checked it out, you should. I've found it to be very fun. Post your videos/stories/screenshots here.

I think the biggest problem I have with this game is that Slender Man looks like he is made out of Play-dough. If you want to see a proper Slender Man, watch the MarbleHornets series.
I think the biggest problem I have with this game is that Slender Man looks like he is made out of Play-dough. If you want to see a proper Slender Man, watch the MarbleHornets series.
Actually, I think its a fairly neat effect. At a distance, he looks like a lump of gray clay wearing a suit, but when he gets closer these black tentacle things come out of his back and start waving around, and I know that I personally was pretty startled and creeped out by it.