So Im out on the road and...


Well-Known Member
I suddenly hear a loud roaor and I look and see 15, maybe 20 attack helicopters heading what looks to be east, anybody know what's going on?
Ok, get this guys, Im out near barstow and I see tanks being loaded onto a train, like 30... Whut????
military transport isn't really uncommon out there along the I-15 ... i just check to see if they have any fancy vehicles. as far as i know flight maneuvers have been done as long as i can remember out in the desert.

anyways, hope you have fun in vegas. pass by the Coca-Cola and M&M stores. they're right next to each other on the strip and there's an abnormal amount of merchandising from each. when i was there last, there was a lot of street maintenance and keep missing the opportunity to pass by the Aria and whatever the new blue/silver shopping center in the middle of the strip is (which might be the aria) :P

read ya later.
yeah, as far as military convoys, i barely bat an eye, i just stay aware, in case one of their vehicles decide to swerve in my lane. normal aircraft i encounter are jets that try to dump a sonic boom on top of the shopping centers, which is scary then funny.

ok, read ya later, missy ... have fun *waves*

also, how long did your trip take? i usually pull off L.A. to vegas in about 4 hours provided there isn't any traffic. ^_^
pro tip: keep snacks in the car at all times, it'll keep you occupied in less-fun traffic conditions (e.g. actually driving on las vegas blvd)
'duh' moment of the moment: Nellis Air Force base is in Vegas. i easily forget about it 'cause i rarely drove past it when i lived there or gave it any thought. ka-blam, right?

yeah... i better go before i add more things i've forgotten. *waves*
Edwards Airforce base is like right near barstow also... and I'm like 30 minutes north-west of that in crappy California City.
ha. i keep forgetting about edwards. i get a lot of air traffic out my way 'cause i'm in the hood ... but i'm also kinda close to the Jet Propulsion Labs, so there might be some overlapping experimentation over here. @_@
The only reason the town I live in exists is because of Edwards. We get a decent amount above us, but either I don't notice it everyday or it's not everyday. *Shrugs* I'm just so used to it.