Software Project Idea

Ahhn well then this project can't be too complicated, your just making it so. Though I'm sensing you know this but still want to continue ;)

hahaha it really isnt, all we have to do is create an application that processes data.

I would rather not be a shitcunt and actually do something really good though, like for myself more so than even for the marks..
You should code a program which associates it's self with playlist files, and plays them using the lowest amount of resources possible. This would be particularly useful with internet radio stations. Use of media keys would be required (mostly for the pause function).

If you're eventually interested in making some money off of this, you could potentially make custom builds of this for websites. I.e. when you download the .exe file for that particular website and run it, it automatically plays their station, and only their station. You could also come up with some sort of push notification system for ads if you were going to sell out in such away. The idea of a custom build android/ios for something like this wouldn't be out of the question either.

Control with media keys. Play with play button. Seek back and forward buttons change volume. Close app from the tool tray. Ctrl + Numpad 0 displays the currently playing track.

I was bored.
You ended up using Bass, I was looking at that. Was the Http streaming pretty easy to implement then?

I have a lot of experience with BASS from Wooty and a few other projects. Eating the meta-data from the stream can be a little bit of a hassle though.
I have a lot of experience with BASS from Wooty and a few other projects. Eating the meta-data from the stream can be a little bit of a hassle though.
I could see that. I did sort of get the idea from the stream you put into the alpha build you put into the Wooty alpha that I was playing with a while ago.
Meh anything can be a project, made this pretty much useless picture viewer app in C#, was part of a tutorial Microsoft has, but anything ya make helps give ya ideas for improving on other projects.

haven't tested out on other platforms other then W7 and Vista so don't complain about any of the bugs. I also have a "Notepad" program that has a few elements from the tutorial, but also custom elements contained in some of the C# coding sites.
Y U NO USE THIS BROWSER... great name for a browser project.. YUNUTB.. plus it has the word "nut" in it .. lulz
Meh anything can be a project, made this pretty much useless picture viewer app in C#, was part of a tutorial Microsoft has, but anything ya make helps give ya ideas for improving on other projects.

haven't tested out on other platforms other then W7 and Vista so don't complain about any of the bugs. I also have a "Notepad" program that has a few elements from the tutorial, but also custom elements contained in some of the C# coding sites.

my prelim course major was useless though, cbf wasting the time when I could be making something useful.

Plus I actually want to learn alot along the way to kindof....well learn more hahaha

Suckiest thing with this is that the only programming language my teacher will support us with is Visual Basic, if we choose anything else we're practically on our own.
If you get bored enough mikey, you could resurrect the Parsec game project and finish the code that lets it be played over the interwebs:

It pretty much died off soon after it went open source, so they never finished it. That might serve to be an interesting project.
And yeah, this game is actually pretty fun to play, provided you have someone to play it with via lan party and such.
If you get bored enough mikey, you could resurrect the Parsec game project and finish the code that lets it be played over the interwebs:

It pretty much died off soon after it went open source, so they never finished it. That might serve to be an interesting project.
And yeah, this game is actually pretty fun to play, provided you have someone to play it with via lan party and such.
I have absolutely no clue about programming 3D games
Alrighty then. Let me know if you would like to try the lan test before deciding to work on it. Since the site hasn't been updated in forever, pretty much all of the lan test download mirrors no longer work, but I still have the builds for windows, mac, and linux. I can upload whichever version you need.