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Somabringer Cool -> builder


New Member
i would like to ask Team9000 again if i could get a promotion, i know it may take up to 40 hours as a minimum of work and such, but i will keep you updated on my work in the replys.

Heres a lava-powered healing ship i made in cool 29:

Front view.png Back view.png Engines.png Lower Level.png Priest center.png

Hope to see what you say soon! :D
Heres some more pics for a building i made called D.K (i couldn't of called it anything else....)

D.K backshot.png D.K Front.png UK ST..png

Inside D.K, i made the Guillotine as it would drop and slice the unfortunate persons head into the pit and sending their soul to hell through the LAVA :D i also made a bed for the executioner and water to get messy stuff off hes hands. i made the water way all the way from the sea XD

Water start place.png
Well, Since my last build was a bit well, evil, I MADE SOMETHING GOOD :D


Heavens Gate.png
Stairway to Heaven.png

It took me twice as long as i expected to make the stairs, because i didn't know the dimensions on how much it had to go up DX. Next time i,m using a calculator :p

The Stairs.png

Thanks for your time :D
Looking good, just remember that we don't promote to Builder until around the 40 hour mark, so keep on building and get some more hours behind you. :)