Something to Think Upon...


Well-Known Member

this short film put me to tears, with the multiple messages behind the storyline...

... then again, I could just be a soft-hearted romantic with a thing for surrealism.

Strange, first time I saw this video was to the song of Hole In Ocean by DyE.

Some parts I like about this video, others I don't. The overall message seems pretty good though.
Lady = new internet user
Statue = internet

... Discovering the internet destroys everything you knew about everything, disillusions and convulates thought and ideas in a manner that i is arousing and peverse, enlightening and horrific. So in a way, it speaks volumes about everyone's lives in this rapidly evolving technological world of technology.

If you look closely you can see 4chan and youtube.
Back when I was young...
I used to watch 4kids, thinking that was good(every time I say that now, I feel sick)
second I got internet access, watch what japan really made, I cried in a corner for 10 minutes saying...
"why... why must 4kids make this c**p, why"
although I got over it and threw a rock at the studio 12 days later.
yes I said it, and in fairness... I was 12 when this happened(henceforth why my gamertag is x12e3).
Lady = new internet user
Statue = internet

... Discovering the internet destroys everything you knew about everything, disillusions and convulates thought and ideas in a manner that i is arousing and peverse, enlightening and horrific. So in a way, it speaks volumes about everyone's lives in this rapidly evolving technological world of technology.

If you look closely you can see 4chan and youtube.
very astute observation, there... :eek:
couple of years ago while visiting NYC, this short film was playing at the top floor of the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. They had it on loop and I watched it like three times, and a lot of people in the room where all like :eek: