Sony E3 post conference information

Bad news guys.

I can't tell if you're being serious or extremely sarcastic, hopefully the latter.

P.S. Your Spoiler is broken.
No backwards compatibility for the PS4. :(

But I guess its kinda impossible with most PS3 games being online and complexities all over the place...

I feel that I'm also done with console gaming. I should just hook up a controller emulator to my PC and use that instead.

Then all was right in the world. (of windows 7)

or you could collect them. if you really like a game there is nothing better then playing it on the real console. that's great that PS is doing this because everyone wants to collect consoles and games, later they show off or play with your kids or grand kids as you get older. Show them you were bad ass in your prime!

Yes thats right, you can tell your grand kids how deep of Microsoft got in a hell hole and all of the employee got cancer at E3.