Space is Key, a short review by Godliberator

There's absoutely nothing wrong with roflstomping people in starcraft 2, espically dancing marines and zerglings. But you need a gynecologist if you need to cheese to beat your friends, and a place in the hall of shame.

I don't play that much SC2 these days, its very stressful going up against random people... and my apm tops at 65. I'd still pretty much kick everyones ass sideways round here.
Cheesing is a legit strategy, yea it sucks for it to happen, but if you manage to defend it that's game.... Unless they are terran and scv 2 racks all in you then they just use mules and are fine. But that's beside the point. I'd kill you so fast.
Cheesing is a legit strategy, yea it sucks for it to happen, but if you manage to defend it that's game.... Unless they are terran and scv 2 racks all in you then they just use mules and are fine. But that's beside the point. I'd kill you so fast.

well again, soon as I am able, you can whip my ass in some starcraft.