Starbound Giveaway (Patchy's Pixel Party)


Well-Known Member

That's right, there's a party for cool people, but YOU can come too!

Naw, you're all cool, which is why I'm doing this for all of you who might want to be getting in on the Starbound action, but can't seem to get your hands on a copy.

I've got four keys to give away, and unlike my other "contests" where you simply state a number and I randomly pick it, I'm doing this a little differently.

I want to hear about how much you really want this game. Anyone can just state a number and not really even care, so what I want from all of you is what you want to do in the game. Here's a few questions:

  • What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
  • What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
  • Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like? If you're not into this sort of stuff, that's okay! You don't have to answer this one.

Anyone who has any other ways to elaborate what they think they would do in the game or why they would like it, please go ahead and tell me. Whoever I think seems most enthused about the game will be the winners. If I feel everyone is equally enthused, I might end up going with random numbers anyway based on your post number. But that's an if!

Think the questions are dumb? W-well, then I think you're dumb! I-it's not like I wanted your approval anyway!

If you're thinking, "Gee Patchy, you're sure in a weird mood"

I would not be surprised.
Ohey, I was going to buy this for myself for Christmas, but look! A chance to steal it from someone else!

What race:

Glitch. Did you even need to ask that?

What planet:

I'm fond of building in isolated, snowy areas. So, I'll be looking for any place with plenty of snow, tundra, etc.


Oh, goody. Roleplaying! Personality-wise, my mains usually have a personality similar to yours truly, so plenty of deadpan sarcasm and self loathing. But for backstory? I let that develop depending on how I play. Where I go determines where I'm from.
Been wanting to pick up this game after hearing a couple of my friends enjoying it. Unfortunately I lack the resources to pick it up for the time being. XD

What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
My character would probably be from the Hylotl race. I've always wanted to play a water-based character, but most games don't offer them. (totally want to be an zora :P )

What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
An aquatic or ice planet would be preferable.

Would your character have a back-story? What is their personality like?
As much as I'd like to get into role-playing at some point, it never works out well for me. I'd imagine the back-story of the character would be something like this though:

A biological weapon is slowly spreading and affecting everyone in the character's race on their home world after a war that lasted roughly 200 years, and despite all their efforts, they can't come up with a cure using what is available on their home world. As such is the case, various still-healthy Hylotls are sent out on a journey to find anything of use before their race is wiped out. My character would have volunteered to be part of this group after having lost his family to the spreading illness.
I wasn't sure if Starbound was going to be better than Terraria. Then I saw pictures and watched videos. HOLY MOTHER IT'S AWESOME.

What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
That's a tough one... Glitch, Human, Hylotl or Florian. They look so awesome!!!

What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
A forest or snow one. Colorful, if possible.

Would your character have a backstory?
His homeworld was destroyed in a nuclear war and he was the only one who escaped... :(

What is their personality like?
He'd be an Explorer. The best adventurer. And a little scared of everything.

(And the questions were great =D )
What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
Hylotl as of now, but as I have seen and anticipate, a Novakid.
What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
Depends, as a Hylotl I would play on an arctic world.
Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like?
My backstory? A rebel that was wanted for speaking out against the government, who got in a spaceship and flew away, hoping to forget his past life in search for a new one among the stars.
Personality? A bit mad-driven after years of isolation on board the ship, yet incredibly smart. But still, a bit insane, maybe more.
let me start off by saying i really appreciate what you're doing. i really wanted this game so i can play it online with my girlfriend since she's mad about minercrafty/terraria type games but i can't really afford the game on account of i'm dirt poor and knee deep in, well, let's just call it "debt" since it's not nice to swear. i got hooked on this game really fast since i have always been obsessed with space exploration (especially like the randomly generated worlds) and the concept of crafting items for (but not limited to) your survival.

i'd be a glitch. i mean, come on, a sentient machine capable of feeling emotions while exploring space? that just makes my inner kid explode with joy.

planets planets...hmmm i think the smartest place to lay down the "welcome" mat would be a toxic planet. i'd be immune to any type of toxins so i wouldn't have to worry about any hostile out landers. i would learn the whole place like the back of my circuit encrusted hand and build a nice, peaceful temple and open it for whoever survives the harsh conditions of the planet.

not much of a back story for my robot-sona. he is on a constant search for information and knowledge. though his origins unknown it is easy to notice that he is the data to our star trek, the merlin to our "anglia", the urkel to our...well you know, i could go on like this for hours
I am actually really excited for this game so i guess ill just start;

At first i thought you were talking about racing, like go-karts, but i dont know probably something like the Khaljit(probably), from the elder scrolls, i want to be cat creature

I want water

My name's Jimbo Jeremaih O'Reilly, i come from way over yonder, that away. It smelled like shit, like the planet was made of manure. Water cleans things, so i wanted to be as far away and as clean as possible on my new home. :)
Dear me, I've searched the whole internet to find some giveaways for this game and now i finally found this. Of course, as all other members do, I appreciate your work.

I have no problem with paying money for great games, but in my actual situation I can't even spend this +10$ because of financial problems while studiing, christmas presents and so on.
But I've seen so much videos like reviews or lets plays about Starbound, I really want it and have a strong hate-relationship with steams buy-button.
In general I am totally impressed by it's oldschool rpg graphics (I actually started intense gaming with RPG Maker games, some time ago now) and I love its concept of crafting and exploring, just like I loved minecraft in the beginning, but in a massive more complexe and exciting way.

Now, time for your questions:
- What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
At first I thought I would play a human, just like I use to do in the most rpgs. Because when I create a character, I mostly try to create one fitting with my character, and, surprise, I am human.
But now I think, no, not in Starbound. I would be something complete different, an avian, flying aound with my wooden starship and.. yeah doing stuff. I am an spontaneous avian, i think.

- What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
I like the idea of settling on a moon-like planet, later during the game-process, with a nice hight-tech buildung. That would be my base where i return to after exploring new planets or hanging around on my conquered ones. Do some relaxing things, preparing food and stuff for my next exploration.
For my first planet i would prefer a regular planet with forrests and deep mines, just to get started.

- Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like? If you're not into this sort of stuff, that's okay! You don't have to answer this one.
My character would have a backstory under construction, i guess. Because if I would get a key, i just would turn on warp drive and crash into this game.
I think it would be the story of an adventurer, left home for spreading my footprints all over the world universe. Other details would appear while playing the game.

Okay here we go, I cants say how great it would be to get one of this keys, but I wish everyone the best of luck.
Grettings and have a nice christmas time.
lol. 3 new members with 1 post each, clearly only here for a free game. Not sure how patchy feels about that, but if it were my community giveaway, I would not even consider strangers who have not shown that they are a part of our community or wish to be a part of it going forward.

Deccoon, Takazra, and Patrickyin.

It also would not surprise me if Takazra and Deccoon were the same person phishing for better odds, but that is just a brief suspicion.
Patchy, you're adorable. <3

To the people entering this contest or thinking about it, lemme help in your decision:

1. While Starbound has a 'similar' art style to Terraria, the two are vastly different. Starbound has a much more stable difficulty curve, making it so as soon as you get new gear and venture to the next stage, the enemies are also stronger, rather than Terraria's enemies who never get stronger and fly willingly into Unholy Megashark's fire.

2. Starbound isn't just gathering materials and exploring. You also have to survive. Keeping warm, and eating are necessary, especially considering some planets are incredibly cold. Refusal to do so will end with your death.

3. The game is rich with lore and story, making the atmosphere of some planets incredibly deep, and sometimes foreboding.

4. Like collecting things? Well, Starbound has no issues providing you with ample things to find and collect, from decorations, to books containing more background stories, to clothes, to numerous other things. Due to random generation, you'll need to be diligent in your searching to find everything.

5. Ever wanted to dual-wield weapons in Minecraft or Terraria without the use of a mod? Well, Starbound lets you do just that, allowing to wield one-handed swords, daggers, handguns, and shields and any combo of them in both hands. Note: Shields do no damage so dual-wielding shields might make you look silly. :P

6. Tired of your weapons not being fancy enough? Well, Starbound has the answer to that, too. Weapons come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and rarer weapons have elemental effects to them. These include fire, which causes enemies you hit to burn for a few seconds, poison, which also damages them over time, and electricity, which fires a ball of lightning out after every swing. Some weapons can even have two effects, depending on what hand it's swung in. Note: Two-handers are swung the same regardless of what mouse button you click. However, depending on which one you click will determine which elemental effect happens when swung.

:3 Huzzah for Starbound!
Patchy, you're adorable. <3

To the people entering this contest or thinking about it, lemme help in your decision:

1. While Starbound has a 'similar' art style to Terraria, the two are vastly different. Starbound has a much more stable difficulty curve, making it so as soon as you get new gear and venture to the next stage, the enemies are also stronger, rather than Terraria's enemies who never get stronger and fly willingly into Unholy Megashark's fire.

2. Starbound isn't just gathering materials and exploring. You also have to survive. Keeping warm, and eating are necessary, especially considering some planets are incredibly cold. Refusal to do so will end with your death.

3. The game is rich with lore and story, making the atmosphere of some planets incredibly deep, and sometimes foreboding.

4. Like collecting things? Well, Starbound has no issues providing you with ample things to find and collect, from decorations, to books containing more background stories, to clothes, to numerous other things. Due to random generation, you'll need to be diligent in your searching to find everything.

5. Ever wanted to dual-wield weapons in Minecraft or Terraria without the use of a mod? Well, Starbound lets you do just that, allowing to wield one-handed swords, daggers, handguns, and shields and any combo of them in both hands. Note: Shields do no damage so dual-wielding shields might make you look silly. :P

6. Tired of your weapons not being fancy enough? Well, Starbound has the answer to that, too. Weapons come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and rarer weapons have elemental effects to them. These include fire, which causes enemies you hit to burn for a few seconds, poison, which also damages them over time, and electricity, which fires a ball of lightning out after every swing. Some weapons can even have two effects, depending on what hand it's swung in. Note: Two-handers are swung the same regardless of what mouse button you click. However, depending on which one you click will determine which elemental effect happens when swung.

:3 Huzzah for Starbound!

I have been averse to picking up a new game with my hands already full with the ones I have plus my full time work starting in January, but you are making it sound awfully tempting.
Well, time to make a post. I've been reading the wiki for a few months now and have been really excited for this game. I was going to wait until it went on sale to buy it 'cause moneyz, but this is good. Other than the obligatory statement that all the cool kids have the game, I was actually excited for this game before the hype really took hold. The ability to build lore around your character sounds amazing. Having an entire randomly generated lore was one of my favorite things about Dwarf Fortress and I hope to build a multiplayer compatible lore on the Team9000 server.

The race I am most interested in would be the Apex. The idea of a completely unified group who's only purpose is to advance as a species just sounds like such a great concept to me, allowing for a large amount of lore to be composed. An alternative would be the Florans because they just seem like awesome badass plant people.

The planet type would be jungle 'cause ya know... apes.

I really haven't thought of a background for my character yet. If it were an Apex it would most likely be either one that escaped to fend for themselves or someone who was assigned to search the galaxy for anything useful. I usually build up a lore after I get a good feel for the game and play around with the characters.
I want the game, but I don't know enough to answer these questions. I can't be bothered to look into it much atm either.. So yea :)
So I'll just wait for it to come on sale, cause it might. One day. I hope.
Ermagherd, free game giveaways?! Whaaaaat? Das cray.

First off, the game's mechanics make me giggle with glee, due to the fact that I can do so much more stuff (theoretically) in Starbound than I could in Minecraft or Terraria. I mean, space. SPACE! It's like a frontier that's final!

Also, all of the cool kids have it now, and I'm like... third-world country cool kid. I need to get up to the expectations of the cool first world kids, man! I gotta reputation to uphold! (Okay, not really, but still. Everyone's playing it, and I want in on the fun! [Legally. >.>])

  • What race will you most likely play if you get the game?

Probably the Avian class. They have the power of creating gliding armor, which probably helps a lot with beginner combat and the such, and mining or whatnot. Also, they look pretty freakin' cool. :D I'm not sure off all of the racial boosts and nerfs, but I'd most likely stick to my decision due to the fact that, holy crap, bird people.

"taco, r u a furry????" yes, i am, hOW DID YOU KNOW?

  • What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?

I would hope something like a Jungle biome or a simple Forest biome. Nothing like the great outatmospheres. Aha... Get it? Out... because... space... Aheh...

But I'd most likely try and find something where I could settle comfortably. Get out now. Save some money. Work from home, be your own boss, earn extra cash. Chippie chippie.

  • Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like? If you're not into this sort of stuff, that's okay! You don't have to answer this one.

You don't imagine how much I'm into that stuff. :3

The Avian character would probably be based off of my original character Aeolus [reference picure here] and most likely would be an older version of him. Still the same color scheme though, because gawsh dang it, that's coot. His personality would be of innocence and cheerfulness, eager to learn, but tires easily. His backstory would have to be modified a bit to adapt to the universe that is Starbound, but I'm sure I'd have a ball with that. x3

I've been looking at this game for awhile now and I like the aspect of basically taking Terraria and making it... science-y-er. (That's a word. I'm sure of it.) A lot of my friends own this game now, and, alas, I cannot has the moneys for purchasing. I'd love you eternally for it. <3

Thanks for the opportunity, Patchy!

you can just email me the key now, thanks yeah ok? ok

is very trust worth

Double post because I can.

I wasn't sure if Starbound was going to be better than Terraria. Then I saw pictures and watched videos. HOLY MOTHER IT'S AWESOME.
let me start off by saying i really appreciate what you're doing. i really wanted this game so i can play it online with my girlfriend since she's mad about minercrafty/terraria type games but i can't really afford the game on account of i'm dirt poor and knee deep in, well, let's just call it "debt" since it's not nice to swear.
Dear me, I've searched the whole internet to find some giveaways for this game and now i finally found this. Of course, as all other members do, I appreciate your work.
what race will i play. Psssssh HYLOTL IS MASTER RACE !!!!

what planet will i live on. a moon because moons are cool and moon rock.

what is my back story. I am Nerostar Fastblade a dashing rogue who was banished from my home world after sleeping with the princess(worth it) and getting caught by the king in the act. Now i go planet to planet helping fair maidens in dire moments of need
(and maybe having some fun afterwards) in my prized ship the Red Herring .

what race will i play. Psssssh HYLOTL IS MASTER RACE !!!!

what planet will i live on. a moon because moons are cool and moon rock.

what is my back story. I am Nerostar Fastblade a dashing rogue who was banished from my home world after sleeping with the princess(worth it) and getting caught by the king in the act. Now i go planet to planet helping fair maidens in dire moments of need
(and maybe having some fun afterwards) in my prized ship the Red Herring .
I want to play because it looks like a pretty interesting game, shame it doesn't have a more building aspect to it. Also everyones playing and I wanna be a cool kid.

I feel left out.

What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
Glitch. Back story to them seems really interesting also they look cool.

What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?

Snow. Looks insanely beautiful as well and seems pretty suitable from what I looked up.

Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like?

I will still continue my ambitions to be a World Renowned Top Investigator Underage School Girl who's living a failing acting career as a secret child agent battling adults as a bad ass body guard serving as a black god and mass serial killer while working as a maid.
lol. 3 new members with 1 post each, clearly only here for a free game. Not sure how patchy feels about that, but if it were my community giveaway, I would not even consider strangers who have not shown that they are a part of our community or wish to be a part of it going forward.

Deccoon, Takazra, and Patrickyin.

It also would not surprise me if Takazra and Deccoon were the same person phishing for better odds, but that is just a brief suspicion.

look, i really appreciate the fact that you are trying to protect this community but your accusations are based on close to nothing. this is my only account here. although yes, i am a new member, i joined the community as soon as i heard about the game, and yes i got into this thread for the giveaway since i thought that

"Naw, you're all cool, which is why I'm doing this for all of you who might want to be getting in on the Starbound action, but can't seem to get your hands on a copy.
pretty much makes me as eligible as any one of you. the reason i got into this is because i'm dirt poor and i really can't afford to support this game yet. piracy is legal in my country and by not downloading this game i like to consider i play a small part in bettering the indie games industry. it's not even about the free game anymore, i do want to be a part of this community and i just want to start with a clear name.