Starbound Giveaway (Patchy's Pixel Party)

What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
•Apex, aaaaapes.

What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
•Far away planet with snow and mountains.

Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like? If you're not into this sort of stuff, that's okay! You don't have to answer this one.
•Would be a humble explorer with a likelihood of randomly digging random holes. Anywhere.
I understand and will revert my post to something more fitting to what you were looking for. Don't expect to get it but I understand what you mean. I want this game, I just wish it was clear that I had to look into the game to actually get the game cause the spirit of most game contests on here usually have a fun joke post entry sense to them and assumed the same for this.

And I thought it would be clear I was joking when I started mentioning Brock Sampson and the maid from family guy. But I'll stop now as I've detailed this thread enough.

Is a pretty cool game actually. I played about 24 hours of it. It does not have the creativity and polish of minecraft since minecraft allowed you to interact with practically every thing found on the world. What starbound offers is an immserive world of adventure, like morrowind. You don't look for anything, but you do run into things that give the game depth and a backstory (which is best way to tell a story imho). Starbound should generally be enjoyed in the company of pals who jump round and jeer at everything.

I still say Starbound's shortcomings is its lack of potentially devastating tools and toys that seem like demi-god abilities. But its still in beta. The finished product should fill in the missing gaps.

Compared to Mass Effect 3, this game (though 2d) actually feels like it contains a bigger, more robust universe than your traditional shooter-on-rails type game which costs a whole bunch more.
Race? I always pick the most adorable race available, and those Avian bird thingies seem like fun. :D

Planet? A planet that is covered by PLAAANNNTSSS and RAIIIINFORESSSTTSS and VATURRRRR!!!

Backstory?Um... I don't know, a rogue bird that was rebellious to his culture and worship of THE HOLY KLEUX.... I guess?
look, i really appreciate the fact that you are trying to protect this community but your accusations are based on close to nothing. this is my only account here. although yes, i am a new member, i joined the community as soon as i heard about the game, and yes i got into this thread for the giveaway since i thought that pretty much makes me as eligible as any one of you. the reason i got into this is because i'm dirt poor and i really can't afford to support this game yet. piracy is legal in my country and by not downloading this game i like to consider i play a small part in bettering the indie games industry. it's not even about the free game anymore, i do want to be a part of this community and i just want to start with a clear name.

Well, as it turns out, that does not make you eligible, because "all of you" was referring to members of this community that have put in the time to get to know others in the community, including patchouli, and have taken the time to play games and interact with the other people here, for the benefit of all. Patchy pretty clearly agreed with me after my post. You seriously think you can waltz in here and be eligible for free giveaways from community members just by making an account? I am not sure what other forums/communities you have been to where this has worked, but they would be foolish. Communities only work if members are committed to the betterment of the community. It may sound strange, but making an account on a community's website does not make you a member of that community.

If you wanted to make a good impression and stick around in the community, you certainly didn't go about it the correct way. That is on you entirely. I am allowed to voice my opinions and stick fingers at people. It is up to you to fix your image by venturing into this community the right way if you want to stick around. Feel free to read up on the other games we play, and come join us for a while. A large part of our community revolves around voice chat through our mumble server. Feel free to read about that on the team9000 wiki page. We have long time members here who made worse first impressions than you, so don't be turned away by this. We are all nice people, and will not hold a grudge against someone who is genuinely kind and looking to enjoy gaming and communicating with other like-minded people.
I'll give it a shot; you can't win if you don't enter right? Besides, Starbound seems like a lot of fun.

What race will you most likely play if you get the game?
Avian, because birds are awesome, and the religious views they have, have me interested.

What sort of planet would you be most likely to settle on?
Because it hasn't been said before, Snow, possibly Tiaga-esque if that is possible.

Would your character have a backstory? What is their personality like? If you're not into this sort of stuff, that's okay! You don't have to answer this one.

Oh hell yes! He'll have my personality traits, but with a hint of a more serious tone. When he was young, he was very devout to his peoples' beliefs, but as he grew older, he began to question his peoples' beliefs, but after his parent's reaction to his thinking, they threaten to cast him out and call him one of the grounded; Fearing this, he struggles with the thoughts in his mind, the feelings in his heart and his morals in general, and must try to seek someone to explain al of his confused thoughts and feelings to without being made an outcast by his people.

Well, got some good responses here. Nothing in the last few days but I'm going to leave this open until Monday (sometimeish) just in case there might be a few more entries.

I may employ some judges for this as well as I might find it hard to decide myself, but I don't know who should be picked.
Well, got some good responses here. Nothing in the last few days but I'm going to leave this open until Monday (sometimeish) just in case there might be a few more entries.

I may employ some judges for this as well as I might find it hard to decide myself, but I don't know who should be picked.
As someone who's not interested in joining the competition but has done some reading up on the game and plans to buy it soon, I'd be happy to employ my services, should you want me to.
*Owns a copy of the game*

Since I'm not in on this, I could offer up my services as a judge if you'd like.
look, i really appreciate the fact that you are trying to protect this community but your accusations are based on close to nothing. this is my only account here. although yes, i am a new member, i joined the community as soon as i heard about the game, and yes i got into this thread for the giveaway since i thought that pretty much makes me as eligible as any one of you. the reason i got into this is because i'm dirt poor and i really can't afford to support this game yet. piracy is legal in my country and by not downloading this game i like to consider i play a small part in bettering the indie games industry. it's not even about the free game anymore, i do want to be a part of this community and i just want to start with a clear name.

It's not that you did anything wrong, it's just that it's like you're asking 20 bucks from someone who you're not close to. Plus, you joined exactly on the same day the contest began. That's a little suspicious. Come play some games with us, or just chat on Mumble. Being oblivious to everyone and asking for something in return is a little weird.
The judges have made their decision, and since it's been a week to the hour, it's time to announce the winners:





(The colors don't mean anything, they're just colors)

Congratulations to the winners! Your keys will be sent in private conversations momentarily.
tfw i won


But congrats to everyone else who won! And thanks, Patchy! <3