I can't seem to play Just Cause 2 seriously. The only reason I play it is to grappling hook/parachute and fly around like a reverse Spiderman. Seriously, with that shit letting you travel so fast, cars and bikes are pointless.
Cars and bikes are still a bit faster, but yeah, grappling hook gets you across small distances without having to pay your cash for a ride. Usually I just steal a helicopter to get me places.
Cars and bikes are still a bit faster, but yeah, grappling hook gets you across small distances without having to pay your cash for a ride. Usually I just steal a helicopter to get me places.
Cars and bikes have a horrible handling, I can't drive without crashing into something. For me the only transport method is the parachute and sometimes a heli.
1. Bolopatch
2. Attach unbreakable grapple hooks to EVERTHING
3. ???
4. Profit

Then unleash your inner hell-raiser...
