Still offline :( update on moving.


As some of you may know I am in the middle of moving too a new city. I have been without my computer for over a week now and I am stuck using my dad's laptop on crappy free hotel wi-fi :(. It's slow and completely unreliable so I can't do much of anything on it.

I am currently in one of the cities I may potentially be living in. All depending on whether my dad gets a job that is open here or not. They are kind of stringing him along. Invited him to a meeting last week. Then invited him to another meeting today, but they haven't come to a decision yet. Although they said they will have the answer soon. So for now we are stuck in this motel. Which blows. I miss my PC and xbox. And we are right next to the busiest train yard in the city. On top of it all I have been sick since Friday.

I still have no idea when I will be online. Have to wait until the job comes through and then wait until we find a place to live and move everything in then wait for whoever is handling our internet to show up. Could be awhile. sigh...

So ya, here's an update for anyone that might care, and because it's 1am and I have been just watching tv for the last 5 days and I am extremely bored. :fuuu:
thanx for the update. been wondering what happened to you.

any objection to people watching? just a thought.

hope you get better soon and someone offers your dad a really decent job.


New update. My dad got the job. Apparently getting to us quickly meant making us wait around for 5 days. lol

So This city is my new home and now we need to find a place to rent, and then I will finally be back online. On the bright side. If we get our internet from a certain provider. We will get a new 250g 360 with Kinect for free when it comes out. :D
Argh so much frustration. We looked at a few place to live back on Monday and Tuesday. We found a couple that we were approved for, but aren't really what we want. Too small or bad location etc. We also found a couple places that are almost perfect for us, but the landlords keep delaying on their response on whether we can move in or not. The one Woman for the place we really want said "I will get right on it" On Thursday. Then on Saturday we found out she was out of town, but she will "Get right on it"

So we have been stuck in this crummy motel way longer than we planned too, and the cost is really starting to add up. It sucks here. We are right next to a major highway, basically the main highway across Canada. Aswell as train tracks, so that is extremely noisy. There is a door to my left attaching us to the room next to us and it doesn't block out any sound. So at night I can hear the guy next door snoring, and during the day his tv is blaring. The internet is so unreliable. At fluxuates from like .60mbps to 2.0mbps constantly. Never know if I am going to be able to do something on the computer. I don't know anybody in this city so I can't really go out and hang out with anyone. I just want to get out of this motel :(.
We got the place we wanted. My dad is signing the papers later today and we can finally start moving in :D.
Good to hear mate!
Tell us if you get an awesome room, what you think of the area, how everything goes, etc.
Maybe those headaches will finally go after such shit quality of living :)
Hope you get better soon!

Almost settled in. Got a 3 bedroom townhouse, 3 floors. 1.5 baths. It's pretty nice. My room is like twice the size of my old room. We don't have our own internet yet since the last tenant hasn't cancled his yet. So at the moment I am using his internet free of charge. :trollface: