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Suggestion: Higher Standards for Cool and Builder Ranks

From what I can tell this thread isn't about deciding what the new standard for builder is but more of a forum where people complain that it isn't the way they think it should be. As I said before I feel, we as pro+, do our best in deciding who gets builder. As its not really a mod or admin position it doesn't require the strict guide lines that eng+ have seeing as that actually has real powers in the server, aka kick commands. I see builder only as a way to show people that these uses have put forth both time and effort into our server. Weather they are the next konflakes (sorry had to call you out) or just someone who might actually be trying their best but being epic fail over all in their builds, me most of the time. There are quite a few cool users getting 50, 60, and even 70 hours before getting builder rank because we try and push them to do something new. But telling someone who is actually trying that they aren't worthy of builder because they aren't the best builder in the world just isn't right. But at the same time I do respect your feelings in this issue and understand that you might want a stricter, how do you say, guide line. But again that would make it unfair to people who couldn't build their way out side of a rubix cube. And I request that this thread stay in some manner on topic seeing as I'm not a friend of trolling important issues. Thank you!! :D
I have to say, I have been thinking about this for a while, and I want to express my own opinion as well. Shadow, I agree with you on how poorly done some builds are, but sometimes it's not because the person is being lazy or a troll, but rather they are just new to minecraft and aren't quite sure what our server's expectations are for minecraft builds. I personally believe that builder rank should be achieved by people who not only put effort into artistic creations that they have made, but have been active on the forums or mumble or both. In other words, if I haven't seen them on the forums or in mumble (and I'm pretty active on both so I should see them), then they don't deserve the rank because it looks like they are just playing to see how far they can get promoted on the server instead of playing for becoming a part of the community.

Again, I just wanted to tell what I thought on the subject and hopefully you guys can understand my babbling because it's pretty late for me right now. I'm not saying this is true for all people of this rank, just some. Obviously the builders who have been here for a very long time definitely have earned the rank, and might even make a good engineer, who knows. :)
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Wholeheartedly agree. I don't build much anymore: I mainly drift around and observe other builds hidden. However, as time progresses, I see that the quality of builds has been slowly regressing. Yes, there have been the occasional outstanding structure, but on many an application, all I see is simple and easy to construct pixel art or plain ugly structures with no kondo whatsoever.

I know this isn't the fault of the builder; it's purely a human element. But as humans we must progress! Not regress in the world of the mind and lateral thinking.


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guys i wanted to stay out of this but i will input something. You can look at my work and im probly one of the worst builders here, but i made it to builder pretty quickly. Although my builds were bad they took hours. my spleef arena took my houses took like 5. i ddint produce the best results but i put alot of effort into them. Since then i have gotten a bit better, but i think i got to builder at a good rate and im sure everyone else has as well.

I feel like this topic should be locked for a few reasons. The admins have stated that the systems they have in place are working and are in place for the right reasons. I didnt feel like this topic would get a change in structure due to the fact that the system they have is working for the system and if it didnt it wouldnt have been put in place or removed afterwords. As the admins they get final say Akamus has made it very clear and i agree with him 1000% what is minecraft classic about anyhow? its about building and although some people dont always produce amazing builds they work very hard like i did.

I think we have great admins on this server who make good choices and i dot feel like builder should be barly reachable, i think builder should be for people who put great amounts of effort into their builds and making them to the best of their ability. If you look from builder to engineer its a completely different story because your barking up a new tree. The admins have a system to get the best people from the builder community to help out as a higher rank. To me that just shows that the system that are in place work for the server because engineer shouldn't be handed out. and it isnt. The rank structure on the server looks good and works well

You may not run things this way and i might disagree on points aswell but ultimately the admins run it and its theirs to implement any structure they choose. I feel like due to the fact that admins have answered you on why they made things the way they did this could be lock. The admins looked at what people had to say and respectfully stood by their choices which i think puts this matter to a close.

New matter ---

Builders should have a choice to respond on the forum but shouldnt be held against them for rank if they dont because minecraft is about builder and not necessarily about the community. and thats what the first 3 ranks are they reward building and shouldn't necessarily reward community. I am on the forum but dont respond to topics i dot need to or dont have any reason to be in. I also cant use mumble because of my internet, not my fault but ii shouldn't be held against me. Eng + is about community and serving it. that's where i see being active on the forums and mumble a positive thing. people who rank to builder are there to build anyone eng + made that commitment to server the community

I think the builder rank has kinda lost its mark tho. So many builders are worryed about promotions to engineer, i wont name names but in the last months ive heard 5 builders complaining about not being chosen for engineer. Some people think the deserve the rank but in reality we havent because the admins dont think we are ready for it or because they dont need us yet. Its not our call its theirs. they dont have to promote on your standards and you wont be promoted util you meet theirs. The admins make very good choices for higher ranked staff and i know that they make the right choices so why worry about promotions, if you are ready for the position you will get chosen.. I think the builder rank should be alot more focused on their building skills and improving them and less woryed about why they havent been promoted. Because like admins say promotions come in time and come with hard work. People are here for many reasons but i would help people are here to play minecraft classic the way it should be played and focusing there time in the object of the game building.

well thats about all i got for you today haha sorry it was kinda long just a few things i wanted to say.
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Wholeheartedly agree. I don't build much anymore: I mainly drift around and observe other builds hidden. However, as time progresses, I see that the quality of builds has been slowly regressing. Yes, there have been the occasional outstanding structure, but on many an application, all I see is simple and easy to construct pixel art or plain ugly structures with no kondo whatsoever.
Those are pics of the cool world. cool world has better builds most of the time compared to Guest worlds, but hey! :)
I know this isn't the fault of the builder; it's purely a human element. But as humans we must progress! Not regress in the world of the mind and lateral thinking.
I agree with the opening sentiment, to an extent. It would be cool to see some better builds, particularly more detailed ones, but the bar for Cool should be pretty low. Cool says : "I'm not a griefer and have a real interest in building on this server. Please give me a safe place to put together some really neat stuff."

A few days ago, I paged through all of the Cool worlds from 1-63 during a slow period at work. A few IMO observations:
1. Epic sized animals, cars, other things of that size have declined.
2. Buildings have grown larger, but generally less detailed on the exteriors. (Can't, obviously, speak to the interiors)
3. The quality of sprites and other 2D art has generally increased.
4. There are fewer organic, complex curves in any builds.

Now, this is, I think, part of Team9000's charm. We're not likely to ever have some of the truly insane builds of other servers. (If you haven't seen Opticraft's Statue of Liberty, it is very much worth your time.), but we have good, safe worlds that turn over on a fairly frequent basis which allow individual or small group projects of a few day's duration. This is a very good niche in the Minecraft universe.

Looking forward, things are likely to go downhill. Since 1.8 has a freebuild, one of the main selling points of Classic is gone and the server will be left, primarily, with only those unwilling to pay for the full game. (Such as myself.)

A couple suggestions on ways to increase epic builds:
1. I'll admit that I'm too new here to know the story, but what happened to the Builder worlds? What was the great sin that ended them? Perhaps these worlds with their zoning restrictions and longer duration would encourage better building.
2. More Zones on the white listing model of Zone11, but dedicated to a smaller purpose. Something like the "Full scale Westminster Palace" or "Garage of Giant Cars"

At any rate, a few thoughts.
As to the idea that Builders should be active members of the community: I'd say that it's certainly one good reason. Community activity, time spent, quality builds, assisting builds, patrolling for water/lava and grief are all good reasons for a person to be a Builder. It's not like it costs anything to promote!
I agree with the opening sentiment, to an extent. It would be cool to see some better builds, particularly more detailed ones, but the bar for Cool should be pretty low. Cool says : "I'm not a griefer and have a real interest in building on this server. Please give me a safe place to put together some really neat stuff."

A few days ago, I paged through all of the Cool worlds from 1-63 during a slow period at work. A few IMO observations:
1. Epic sized animals, cars, other things of that size have declined.
2. Buildings have grown larger, but generally less detailed on the exteriors. (Can't, obviously, speak to the interiors)
3. The quality of sprites and other 2D art has generally increased.
4. There are fewer organic, complex curves in any builds.

Now, this is, I think, part of Team9000's charm. We're not likely to ever have some of the truly insane builds of other servers. (If you haven't seen Opticraft's Statue of Liberty, it is very much worth your time.), but we have good, safe worlds that turn over on a fairly frequent basis which allow individual or small group projects of a few day's duration. This is a very good niche in the Minecraft universe.

Looking forward, things are likely to go downhill. Since 1.8 has a freebuild, one of the main selling points of Classic is gone and the server will be left, primarily, with only those unwilling to pay for the full game. (Such as myself.)

A couple suggestions on ways to increase epic builds:
1. I'll admit that I'm too new here to know the story, but what happened to the Builder worlds? What was the great sin that ended them? Perhaps these worlds with their zoning restrictions and longer duration would encourage better building.
2. More Zones on the white listing model of Zone11, but dedicated to a smaller purpose. Something like the "Full scale Westminster Palace" or "Garage of Giant Cars"

At any rate, a few thoughts.
What happened to the zones? ZONE 11.
Ever since that a lot of the older builders have just been stagnant. Such as myself.