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Survivor Application


New Member
1. In-Game Name: squueker01
2. Why do you want to join?: I'm new to minecraft and have seen alot of gameplay in multiplayer survival mode and I love it and would love to be apart of it and contribute something to it.
3. If you're new to Team9000, how did you find us?: I searched for servers on the internet and yours was the best one I came across.
4. T9K Friends on Minecraft: unfortunately I am so new to minecraft that I don't really have any friends to speak of.
5. Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: no.
6. Do you understand that if a friend/sibling borrows your account and breaks a rule, you will be held responsible?: I completely understand and if it ever happens I am ready to face what ever consequences come my way.
From what I've observed, squueker01 has spent a decent amount of time on both the creative and short term survival world.
While you are a new member, you can obviously read the rules and follow them, something few new folks who join the server seem capable of. You also seem polite in chat so I'll go ahead and give you a change. Approved and added.