T9K battles extra-terrestrial invasion blog series.

ive got part 7 started, I dont think this part will take as long as the last one, but just watch for it in the coming days.
updated roster following episode 6

Lieutenant Godliberator - Heavy role - 6 missions - 14 kills
Lieutenant Beese - Heavy role - 2 missions - 4 Kills
Sergent Ozy - Assault role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Sergent Wooty - Support role - 5 missions - 2 kills
Corporal Ollee - Sniper role - 4 missions - 4 kills
Corporal Pixiel - Sniper role - 3 missions - 3 kills
Squaddie Patchouii - Assault role - 1 mission - 3 kills
Squaddie Konflakes - Support role - 2 mission -4 kills
Squaddie Faerieincombatboots - Assault role - 1 mission - 1 kill
Squaddie Casham - Support role - 1 missions - 1 kills
Squaddie ConroD - Assault role - 1 missions - 1 kills
Squaddie Squeebz - Heavy role - 1 missions - 1 kills
Squaddie Gurw - Sniper role - 1missions - 4 kills
Squaddie Tofurkey - Support role - 1 missions - 3 kills
Squaddie Greenearth - Assault role - 1 missions - 1 kills
Rookie KC006 - undecided role - 1 mission - 0 kills
Rookie Moondoggy - undecided role - 1 missions - 0 kills
Rookie Casey - KIA - KIA - KIA
All I'm saying, is that I should be an assassin.

I feel like in this series, were you to be voted in, I can only write you in as the crazy Good Morning Vietnam/Eight-legged Freaks radio announcer guy, who constantly reminds us that you were warning us about pending alien invasions for years and that if we had just been listening to the obscure broadcasts via HAM radio, we would have been much more prepared.

so hilarious, somewhat non sequitur, all around lovable, and at the same time, despised by some for your cock-dickery.

but, I could last minute decide against that and write in an entirely different direction.
Sniper with a non-lethal backup weapon requiring me to enter close quarters. I am the ultimate multi-classer.

And oddly enough, that role is exactly my type. I was kind of hoping I'd get sniper class, as relatively useless as they are in xcom, it's pretty much what I would have gone for if I had decided to join the reg force.

Edit: anyone else notice that I currently have the highest mission-kill ratio on the team? Fuckyeah.jpg
I feel like in this series, were you to be voted in, I can only write you in as the crazy Good Morning Vietnam/Eight-legged Freaks radio announcer guy, who constantly reminds us that you were warning us about pending alien invasions for years and that if we had just been listening to the obscure broadcasts via HAM radio, we would have been much more prepared.

so hilarious, somewhat non sequitur, all around lovable, and at the same time, despised by some for your cock-dickery.

but, I could last minute decide against that and write in an entirely different direction.
I was hoping to be a loose cannon assassin who complains about the morality of others getting in the way of their missions. While I want to help because it is for the greater good I do so in my own way and on my own terms. While cruel and sometimes ruthless, I would be effective.
I was hoping to be a loose cannon assassin who complains about the morality of others getting in the way of their missions. While I want to help because it is for the greater good I do so in my own way and on my own terms. While cruel and sometimes ruthless, I would be effective.
That sounds way too cool for a guy of which there are numerous videos of him lip-synching to extremely high-pitched vocals.
For those who have been waiting, here is an update on this. Real life took over and I was forced to push the pause button on this series for a short time while I moved to a new place and spent extra time at work the past couple months. The good news however is this. We are all moved to the new place and have settled in for the most part and I am slowly gaining more free time to be able to relax and write more of this story. I hope to be able to get back on track of putting out at least one episode a week, and that is my ultimate goal, because I want to see this story through to the end. I sincerely appreciate all of you who follow the story for being patient with me and I will return that favor by returning and devoting more of my free time into this story. Thank you again all of you.

So, keep your eyes open to this thread in the next week, I should be able to post the next part for all of your enjoyment.

All my best,

For those who have been waiting, here is an update on this. Real life took over and I was forced to push the pause button on this series for a short time while I moved to a new place and spent extra time at work the past couple months. The good news however is this. We are all moved to the new place and have settled in for the most part and I am slowly gaining more free time to be able to relax and write more of this story. I hope to be able to get back on track of putting out at least one episode a week, and that is my ultimate goal, because I want to see this story through to the end. I sincerely appreciate all of you who follow the story for being patient with me and I will return that favor by returning and devoting more of my free time into this story. Thank you again all of you.

So, keep your eyes open to this thread in the next week, I should be able to post the next part for all of your enjoyment.

All my best,

This one believes that the fools- I mean, good people here should understand your unfortunate situation.
soooo....quick update....as it turns out, I am terrible at keeping deadlines that I set for myself....but I have been steadily working on episode seven and I have about 4 pages written so far in my second draft....the first draft was terrible so I did a nearly full re-write...but for those of you who have been waiting for the next part. just stay on the edge of your seats and continue to yell at me for not getting it completed for all of you. I will have it completed and up in due time. I sincerely appreciate all of your patience.

I also wanted to announce that I may change the way that the roster will appear and may just update the original post with the updated roster at the end of every episode.

stick with me guys, I have a feeling you guys will not be disappointed with the next few parts of this story.