T9K Halloween Thread

I had a major paper due for a high school english class on Halloween. The day before I was going to do it but I fell asleep and had the most fucked up nightmare, and woke up at 3:00 am to find out with the utmost horror that I had a paper due soon. Wrote the most epic bullshit paper in 3 and a half hours while shaking and twitching. Got an 82, everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpeg. Was half asleep that whole day at school though, when the first class had ended everyone had left but I had fallen asleep and to mess with me the teacher let me stay asleep until the next group of kids came and started poking me. :sleep:
im3nuron said:
I guess that Reeses was a real LIFESAVER! hehehe.

Hey guys I found Nuron on the Internet
I had a major paper due for a high school english class on Halloween. The day before I was going to do it but I fell asleep and had the most fucked up nightmare, and woke up at 3:00 am to find out with the utmost horror that I had a paper due soon. Wrote the most epic bullshit paper in 3 and a half hours while shaking and twitching. Got an 82, everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpeg. Was half asleep that whole day at school though, when the first class had ended everyone had left but I had fallen asleep and to mess with me the teacher let me stay asleep until the next group of kids came and started poking me. :sleep:
Sometime I'll tell you the story of the bomb kid, but not know.
This is a pretty cool story, we did you to kids at homecoming this year :p
Anyone have a scary story? Don't c/p one of those YouTube things, cause those aren't scary. Like a legit one.

Cathykiddo said:
I went trick-or-treating a few years back with a couple of friends... Dark times... o_o

We went to this one guy's house, and he was drunk and inviting us into the place. My friend was a superhero, so he kept asking her if she wanted to "fly around his house" for a while. We told him we were fine (JUST GIVE US THE DAMN CANDY), but he was very persistent, so we ran away. *shivers*

NewspaperCrane said:
That was you?!

Sorry if you can't read it


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