T9K Mafia 2 Signups: Mafia Muddle

I did, I see that it's 9 players, I thought that was a list of people in the game currently....
/me likes le kiwi(? is that a good translation?)
In any case, this:
People' be jostling for spaces in my game?


(Everybody who signed up properly but didn't make it into the game will be counted as replacements.)

T9K Mafia 2: Mafia Muddle has filled with the following playerlist:
  1. Beese
  2. katphish
  3. Vorsprung
  4. Downed_Foes
  5. Mini_Cacti
  6. karmahurts
  7. mcfar45
  8. cacher97
  9. _Joostb

Thread will be up shortly.

Thread is up - https://t9k.me/1p3
The game will begin when 7/9 players have confirmed in-thread.