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i think its because its a www2. i dont know what that means, first i have ever seen of it
Here's the link that will work for it.
It hadn't worked for me at first, so I shortened it with tinycc then shortened that with t9k.me. :p


I gotta stop using Meme Generator. :confused:
www2 is a subdomain according to Wikipedia:

WWW2 and WWW3 are hostnames or subdomains, typically used to identify a series of closely related websites within a domain, such as www.example.org, www2.example.org, and www3.example.org; the series may be continued with additional numbers: WWW4, WWW5, WWW6, et cetera. Traditionally, such websites are mirrors used for server load balancing. In some cases, the specific hostname may be obscured, creating the appearance that the user is viewing the "www" subdomain, even if they are actually viewing a mirror site.