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Talk Like A <Insert Thing Here> Day(s)


Well-Known Member
So, I just had an idea that it would be fun if we celebrated Talk Like a <Insert Whatever Here> Day(s). Only I think it should be mandatory for the website. Would it be at all possible for the website to have all text on it translated/converted into a funny language without much effort?

For example: International Talk Like a Pirate Day is Sept. 19, 2012. On that day, the entire site is translated into pirate, and whatever we post gets convereted into pirate as well.

Likewise, we could make up other days like Talk Like Elmer Fudd Day and so on.
That would be fun. Sounds like a cool idea!

Could we have:

TLA Aussie Day

TLA South American Day ( Where we would have outrageously bad English spoken/ Have the site in Spanish :trollface: )

TLA Heavy Day ( Shoo know vat this means, DOKTOR? )

And that's all I can come up with for now.
Pirate Day...
I'm all ready...
<Nerd> Did anyone else notice that the name of the thread changes in the breadcrumb trail at the top?

When you click on it it's "Talk Like A <Insert Thing Here> Day(s)" but up at the top it's "Talk Like A Day(s)".

I assume that this has something to do with the <> being used in the title. I'm assuming this is because the "<>" are reserved characters in the language our forum is written in, and it goes through some sort of string-stripper to weed out the possibility of injecting code in through the breadcrumb.

That or it's just a glitch or some kind.

EDIT: Looking at the code it appears that it's because it thinks it's an HTML <insert> tag... which means that It's looking for html code in the breadcrumb. That's awesome.

EDIT EDIT: https://www.team9000.net/threads/img-src-http-i-imgur-com-coaa7-png.17384/