tall dark men and web shooting: a fanfic


Well-Known Member
tall dark men and web shooting: a fanfic
Slenderman x Spirderman fanfiction: warning horror dont read if you dont want to be SCARIFIED! its like beings scared andf TEARIFIED AT THE SAME TIME

One day in New York the City, New York, Spiderman Peter Parker was at the Daley Bagel and speaking to J. Jonah Jamison about scoops like news. “Petter, instead of getting like a million pictures of spiderman seresly dude a youv exhausted you’re only asset so shake that ass on over to this forest where people are gong missing and investigate im not paying you to stand around looking pretty
“Peter wasn’t’ very enthusastic about this case. he reads the newspaper and it says that people go missing in this forest so hes a littler scared. thinks inside his head out loud with him swinging “but ill be fine right? im spiderman!”

He swings his way to the forst riding on the bottom of helicopter and he dropped into the forest and falls into trees. it is now night time and dark and there is sounds that are echoey and spooky and it is scary and spiderman isnt scared because he has a good self esteem and a lot of super charishma from the spider mbite

He took off the mask and puts his tonge into the air and swirls it around and wispers to himself the night is “tasty of darkness” tonight. he walked around until he saw something out of the corner of his eye, his eye looked at it in the corner of itself what he saw was so really reaally chilling he literally got a few degrees colder like tundra cold.

The figure of a man stood above him, with lanky arms and legs hanging from a long slender torso, a mass of swirling appendages seeming to stretch out from nowhere, and a face peeking through the shadows without any eyes. It slid toward Peter without moving an inch of it’s body, sending Peter into tumult.

hwow sexy peter thoujt

i know what you are said peter “then say it ” said the man peter whispered into his not ears and said while whispering “slenderman” and this really turned on slender man. one might say some parts of him became less slender, and when i say one I mean peter because he was pressed right up against slenderman.

peter took off his mask he took off his mask earlier his put on he mask before this part and then he takes of the mask he takes it off of his face to reveal and shows his eyes without afraid. do you want me peter said to slenderman

slenderman said yes

they made spider/immaterial preternatural being love and they boned which is funny because im pretty sure slenderman doesnt have any bones because he gets really long like lol haha, peter took a lot of pictures like WOW how hot were they jeez and then he got home and only gave jonah the ones without the sexy and then kept the rest.

he came home to his house and looked at the pictures on his bed. he was on the bed not the pictures, they were on the camera. he looked at them and felt longing inside of his body, especially his boner

Ahh, I miss your beautiful stories :)
yes I had to measure fantastic in quantities of squeezed drops.

the mental imagery is amazing.
I am imagining you with Mr. Fantastic's corpse, slit open at the throat and hanging by the ankles, while you count the drops of blood coming out. You then mumble, "This is for Team9000, I better make sure they get the best." Walking over to the body, you awkwardly bear hug it to squeeze out the last drop. Limping out of your laboratory in a slightly evil, very creepy manner, silhouettes of the other three members of the Fantastic Four can be seen hanging in a similar fashion in the background. The blood is then spread over your keyboard as you type this story out. And all I can think of is that you should have used Spiderman's blood instead - because this is Amazing.
I am imagining you with Mr. Fantastic's corpse, slit open at the throat and hanging by the ankles, while you count the drops of blood coming out. You then mumble, "This is for Team9000, I better make sure they get the best." Walking over to the body, you awkwardly bear hug it to squeeze out the last drop. Limping out of your laboratory in a slightly evil, very creepy manner, silhouettes of the other three members of the Fantastic Four can be seen hanging in a similar fashion in the background. The blood is then spread over your keyboard as you type this story out. And all I can think of is that you should have used Spiderman's blood instead - because this is Amazing.
Honestly I don't know what's worse: that you pictured me squeezing the blood out of Mr. Fantastic's corpse, or that I pictured myself forcing out Jonathan Coulton's intestines.