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Team 9000: Who we are.


Well-Known Member
I really love the fact that there is a blog section now. I love writing and a lot of you all have read the pieces that I have written for this site, which so far have been two short reviews on a couple obscure games, but with the addition to the blog section I hope to be able to just get on and write..... and after trying to come up with an awesome topic and failing to find one that would really just flow out of my fingertips and into your heads allowing my creativity to come to life and have all of your minds enlightened.....I decided to take a step back and just go simple, just write about what we are as a community and how this place has a permanent space reserved in my heart.

I came across this community as most of our members did, with of course the exception of the few, from the Minecraft classic server. I had only found out about Minecraft a day before I found Team9000 and I stopped in and was simply amazed at the organization of the server. I played for a little bit, built a little bit and eventually saw the in-game message asking for me to join Team9000 at team9000.net. Well, who was I to deny this request? So I came to Team9000 and joined and started posting my builds on classic and just all around having a lot of fun. I was then introduced to mumble and the fun continued.

That was about 10 months ago and since then I have gotten to know quite a few of you all. I have made friendships that I believe will last for quite a long time to come with quite a few of you. The entire vibe this place has is one of good natured fun and really its like a big super extended family at times, and for the most part everyone gets along extremely well. Really, this is what we are, a big extended family from all walks of life that are here because we love video games. We love all video games, not just the mainstream or the cult indie games. We are not elitists and only play one game and bash everyone else who hates that game. We all play casually and we all enjoy playing the games and enjoying the stories that captivate us and draw us in, and even if the game we are playing does not have a story, we are all apt to just make up our own stories and just have fun with whatever we have going at any particular moment.

And we are so much more than just the games even. Woot, Ollie, and Ozy's live casts have never disappointed, Dj JetMike throwing his mixes on the live cast gives us an extra bit of diversity from just all video games, and because we are so much in love with this community, we have brought so much to the table, we all do our own parts to ensure that this community continues to grow and so others can see what it is to be a part of team9000, and that extremely positive vibe that we just exude at all times.

We branch so many different topics and do so many different things as a community, from the live casts, to the hundreds upon hundreds of games we play, to the reviews, to the randomness of the forums, keeping ourselves positioned on the pulse of the gaming industry, and now to the start of blogs, and we are steadily growing, we are steadily building upon the foundation we have set for ourselves, which only ensures that we are going to continue to grow as we continue down this path.

Through this community and our sharing of ideas, has enlightened me to all sorts of just the obscure gem-like games that just make you scratch your head, the conversations that come from some of the multi-player games have had me in tears at times just listening to the jokes and the one-liners from some of you guys. It just is an environment that just draws you in and motivates you to want to contribute and to be a part of what we are as team9000.

For an outsider coming into this place, we have always given a warm welcome and always encouraged them to join us in playing some games, and chatting with us on mumble and just to read through the forums and all around contribute, and to help us grow, and to be absorbed into the positivity and the fun that we all are here for, and I think the fact that we truly are nothing but positive and motivated and although the occasional argument will arise, I have never seen a single instance where someone who really loves this community has ever left because of some small argument. If an argument ever arose, it was always quickly squashed and it was always back to business and just having fun as a community.

This community is made up of individuals who come from all over and this only adds to this vibe and to this gigantic amalgam that is Team9000. I would probably never have heard of Beardyman, or Magica, or Spiral Knights, or tons of other things that without this place, I would have been lost to. Every person who is a part of team9000 knows this to be completely true for themselves, and couldn't deny it if they tried.

Looking towards the future I only see Team9000 branching out to even more avenues to be a part of. Woot, this community is definitely your baby, and we are up and walking and soon to be sprinting ahead and growing with each step taken and I don't think we can thank you enough for the time you give towards this community and its your dedication and the dedication of other members of this community who have wanted to see it become what it already is today and who continue to stay dedicated to see this through well into the days to come and look forward to watching where team9000 goes far down the road.

I for one, am proud to be a part of this community and I will be here for a very long time. I know there are several of you who are on the same page and for you this place means just as much to you as it does to me, and although I feel like I may have been a little bit wordy, I hope I have been able to put to words what this place truly is, and I hope that I have motivated some of you to get active and to get more involved on mumble, and the forums, and now the blog section.

I am always around, I look forward to seeing the comments on this, and as always, I leave you all my best,


lol jokes, i read it all :D
nice read too, it is like dukey said it's basically a "Who we are."
i look forward to seeing more from you godlib :D
keep up the good work n_n
I wholeheartedly agree.
There. I'd try, but I can't get much more eloquent that that, for once.