Team Fortress 2 Trade Thread

With the Halloween update, there is now a bunch of new items to get.
And with the new items, my backpack is full. Again. And I don't have the resources for an expander.
Now since the primary cause is piles of stuff I never use, I'm offering up the items in my backpack.
Ooh, High-Five Taunt pls
I want to crash sum servers
I'll take that killer exclusive of your hands. Your price is mine. (And I hope your price is 2 ref.)
Agreed, for 2 ref, I've sent you a friend request.
Ooh, High-Five Taunt pls
I want to crash sum servers
Agreed, for 1 key, and I believe I already have you on my friends list.

So hit me up for a trade whenever you have the time.
ALSO: I'm giving away the spooky crates for free, so if you want them, send me a trade as well.
So i dunno if anyone even trades atm, but I'm selling like 30 keys of stuff (All valuable, no junk) for $30 cash. Yeeeahhh I'm kinda skint these days.

Considering keys are like nearly double that atm, I'd take it aha.

Edit sooooold.
I need 5 mad Milk for a Stockbroker's Scarf strangifier set. Donations obviously appreciated, but I am willing to pay 1 scrap a piece. Also I need a liberty launcher and a Strange Wrench. Strange wrench is 2 ref on
I wanted to wrap a giftapult within a giftapult, and then wrap that gifted giftapult within another giftapult and send it to someone. But I don't think that is possible.
I wonder how giftapult works... can there be a server with 2 guys simply tossing gifts to one another?
The giftapult sends it to anyone online out in the TF2 universe. Anyone. I got one only to have the sender tell me he thought it was only serverwide and he needed the gift back.