Team Fortress 2 Uber Update


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Day One of the Über Update--the biggest, most ambitious update in the history of Team Fortress 2.

We've got a lot to announce as we get closer to the update's release this Thursday, June 23rd. We've been holding one of the surprises pretty close to the vest for months now. We don't want to ruin it, but we'll give you four clues to get you guessing:

1.) It IS a "Meet the" short.
2.) It involves ONE of the two remaining classes.
3.) It's NOT the Pyro.
4.) It's the MEDIC.

Let the speculation begin! While you're puzzling that out, why not click over to the first of our class pack announcements: Mobster Monday. To make sure everything was as accurate as possible, we went deep undercover at the most Italian place we could find, The Olive Garden. We asked the Mafia about a million questions, none of which they understood, because our mouths were full of all the free breadsticks the Mafia gives you when you visit them (they're not such bad guys).

All that hanging out with mob guys must have rubbed off on us, because we've decided to celebrate the Über Update by giving you an offer you can't (or at least shouldn't) refuse--an unprecedented WEEK-LONG FREE WEEKEND of Team Fortress 2, starting right now!

Last but not least, today's the day we reveal our all-new website. Want a link to it? Too bad--you're already there!

So go kill some spy's shall we?
Played the game for some rounds, total confusion, spawn camping, not even a glimpse of general movement direction. Nothing similar to assault rifles, only heavy varieties and LOTS of shotguns. Resembles an improved and reskinned version of the Quake gameplay style. I think they made a horrible job with the level design if they HAD to place arrows directing to the control points. Will stay the fuck out of it from now on. the "Meet the..." series is still awesome tho.

I also fear that they will turn it into F2P and give OP weapons to those who pay. When i saw "Uber" it suddenly reminded me of the Battlefield Heroes Uber Weapons, the worst ever series of game-unbalancing weapons ever.
Played the game for some rounds, total confusion, spawn camping, not even a glimpse of general movement direction. Nothing similar to assault rifles, only heavy varieties and LOTS of shotguns. Resembles an improved and reskinned version of the Quake gameplay style. I think they made a horrible job with the level design if they HAD to place arrows directing to the control points. Will stay the fuck out of it from now on. the "Meet the..." series is still awesome tho.

I also fear that they will turn it into F2P and give OP weapons to those who pay. When i saw "Uber" it suddenly reminded me of the Battlefield Heroes Uber Weapons, the worst ever series of game-unbalancing weapons ever.
Well you don't have to get mad at the game Kthanksbai
i'm not mad, just dissapointed.
here's an awesome gif of a kitteh so we can be all happy again:
Ahhhhhh, the desert. Sandy, camel-filled seductress. What secrets does she clutch to her fig-stuffed, wind-swept bosoms?

Lots. Don't believe us? The Sphinx. Bam. That's just one secret, too. We've got so many we just threw that one away and we don't even miss it.

It's probably clear to you by now that we've been doing quite a bit of research about the desert. And why? We're going to write a book about the desert. The great American desert book. We honestly can't believe nobody’s thought of this before. We are going to be billionaires.

Anyway, since you're probably already camped out at a bookstore waiting for our desert book to come out, why not take over one of the computers at the information kiosk and enjoy TimbukTuesday?
War. Hunh. Yeah. What is it good for? Up until right this second, absolutely nothing. We'll say it again: Absolutely nothing.

But now Edwin Starr's going to have to rewrite that stupid song of his to something more accurate, because as of this moment, war is good for something. Like what, you ask? Free stuff. March on over to World War Wednesday for all the details—or "SITREP", as we learned when we stole Tom Clancy's mail.

Also, if you weren't eagle-eyed enough to notice, the Scout made a surprise appearance yesterday with a class pack of his own. Why make a class pack an Easter Egg? There's a very good reason. Probably. There's also the real reason, which was that it didn’t fit into our Mobster, Timbuktu or War themes.
NEWSFLASH:The most fun you can have online - PC Gamer
Is now FREE!
There’s no catch! Play as much as you want, as long as you like!
Go play now!
here's the catch: you get to pay for an invincibility upgrade. Basically they'll make you pay for a Uber Heart attachment.
Wait what does it say here?
"I'm gaben and everyone who bought the game legit gets free hatz"
Oh, its fine now.
Making it free is the worst idea imho - now the game will likely be flooded with adolescent 13 year old trolls who no longer have to dole out cash to play the game. Instead, they can now download it for free and be douchebags to their hearts content. Granted the game is how many years old now and I can sort of understand the decision from that standpoint. That and most of Valve's money does come from all the micro-transactions that folks are insane enough to keep purchasing. Oh well, it's still a great game regardless :)