Team Fortress 2 Uber Update

Well it won't be only 13yo downloading it, i installed it too!At least this can become a new game we can all play as a team! I really enjoyed the games we've spent in the Minor Inconvenience room.
Why is this news not all up in teh front pages of this website? Do we have any other announcements we're not ready to announce?
Since TF2 became free to play, every time I want to play online I have had to wait 15-25 minutes to find a server with an empty spot (hell, the server browser needs 10 minutes to refresh the server list), and on top of that another 10 minutes to connect to the item server so I can use the items I have gathered. AND of course with the massive stream of new f2p players, grief has increased a lot. I wonder if Valve is gonna fix this... well, at least we get some new faces in TF2, ya?
Me to, Its an inavitable proces which will eventualy lead to only premium players being actively left.
now the game will likely be flooded with adolescent 13 year old trolls who no longer have to dole out cash to play the game. Instead, they can now download it for free and be douchebags to their hearts content. Granted the game is how many years old now and I can sort of understand the decision from that standpoint.

Is it me or is there some kind of age discrimination/overgeneralization here? I'm not even 13, though soon will be, but I definitely ain't a regular troll. Meh, on all the servers I play on, I haven't even seen a single troll (except for some disgruntled 22 year old who was mic-spamming)...

Now all of team9000 will stand in awe while I tread the battlefields with my collection of weaponry and hattery collected trough thousands of years of ownage.

Can I haz ur stuff :3
I've got 5 items so far.
About the über update...
