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Team9000 Battle for Earth: Episode 2


Well-Known Member
Team9000 Battle for Earth: Part 2


“Good Break! I guess I am playing stripes. The docs patched you up pretty well didn’t they?” Godlib said while leaning on his pool cue.

Lifting up his shirt to show a large bandage on his ribcage with signs of scar tissue around the edges, Ollee gives a smirk. “This scratch will not keep me from kicking your ass in eight ball, not that you ever had a chance at beating me anyway LT.” Ollee lines up and sinks one into the corner pocket.

Ozy leans back in his bar stool and took a swig of his beer. “You know, as much as I love the beer back home, this German beer is definitely the best I have ever had. It is good to know that even with things as bad as they are up top, we can still relax and have a beer.” Ozy leans over to Sonic and clinks his bottle against his before taking a large swallow. Sonic puts his beer on the bar and rolls up his shirt sleeve showing a bandage as well. “I am right with you Ozy, that last mission has me savoring every moment I have. Were I six inches to the left right then, well, I would not be here watching Ollee kick Godlib’s ass in pool”

Ollie sinks another shot and lets out a laugh before wincing in pain and holding his ribs. “still hurts to laugh, which is tough because you guys are all around funny looking. I only wish I could have joined you guys on the last mission. Doc says one more week and I will be back to fighting form. I heard Pixiel got promoted and has chosen to be a sniper, good for her, perhaps I will give her a few tips” Ollie leans down and banks in another shot.

“I don’t know how much you can teach her, her first time in combat and she scored three kills. I watched her mist a Thin Man with one of the most expert grenade tosses I have seen. She damn near put it in its shoe.” Ozy said as he handed Ollee a beer.

Ollie shrugged and opened his beer. He took a quick swallow and sank another shot.

“I once again regret challenging you, shame on me for trying to take advantage of you having a couple steel ribs and a new lung. Ozy is right though, Pixiel held her own in combat. She has the makings for a good sniper and a good leader. I just got a mission given to me from the council. Code name is: Operation Silent Mountain. Seems there is evidence of an abduction site in Brisbane, Australia. The council wants a team sent out to gather what we can from the site. The mission has been green lighted and is scheduled for dust off tomorrow afternoon. Ollee and Sonic, you both are not cleared by medical for active status, which just leaves Ozy and me as the remaining members of Alpha which are good to go. Pixiel showed she has what it takes and I would like to give this mission to her as Bravo team lead allowing Ozy and I to sit this one out and wait on the both of you to heal up. Do any of you have any objections to this?”

“No LT” the three of them said in unison.

“As long as you have no objections with this eight ball in the side pocket.” Stated Ollee as he banked the cue ball and knocked the eight ball into the side pocket for the win. “Pay up LT!”

Reaching into his back pocket to retrieve his wallet, “I never know why I think I can beat you, we have done this several times and I still have not even come close.” chuckled Godlib.

“Because you cannot resist a good challenge, and I insulted your ego with a few jabs about how bad you are at this” said Ollee as he pocketed the money he won.

“Every dog has his day, corporal, keep that in mind. I am going to the briefing room. One of you find Pixiel and send her to me for a quick briefing. You guys enjoy your evening.” Godlib turned and walked out of the room.
Ollie started to rack up to play again. “Which one of you has next?”

Ozy and Sonic exchange quick glances. “I should really go get back to the infirmary, I was not exactly cleared to leave” said Sonic as he started to walk out of the room. “I also have a thing...for Godlib…to get Pixiel” Ozy quickly stated before chugging his beer and quickly walking out of the room before Ollee could stop him.

“ALRIGHT, I SEE HOW IT IS!!” shouted Ollee after them. “YOU CAN’T AVOID ME FOREVER!!”


“The new recruits should be here by the end of the week” said Faerie as she tossed another card towards the basket set at the foot of the bed.

“It will be nice to see a few new faces around here. I hope there will be another female recruit, ” said Pixiel tossing a card towards the basket and watching it skip off of the rim.

On the other side of the room Konflakes and KC006 were in the middle of PT and were using the treadmills. Tofurkey, Casham and Conrod were all huddled around a table playing cards. Patchouii was sitting on her bunk sharpening her Ka-Bar while watching Faerie and Pixiel toss cards into a basket.

The large door to the barracks swung open and Ozy walked in. Immediately everyone stopped what they were doing and stood at attention.

“At ease” said Ozy and everyone resumed their activities. Ozy spotted Pixiel and walked over. “Pixiel, just wanted to congratulate you on your promotion. You really proved yourself out there. Lt. Godliberator is in the briefing room and requests your presence. Get there on the double.

“Aye sergent!” said Pixiel and she jogged out of the room.

“Carry on ladies” said Ozy before turning and leaving the room as well.


Upon reaching the briefing room, Pixiel stopped for a moment to quiet her breathing from running there before opening the door and stepping inside.

“Good Evening Lieutenant, you requested to see me sir?”

Looking up from the table to look at Pixiel, “Yes Pixiel, have a seat” said Godlib as he motioned to a chair at the long table. Pixiel moves to the table and allows the door to swing closed behind her. Godlib pushed the tablet in her direction and Pixel, after sitting down, thumbed through it.

“Operation Silent Mountain” said Godlib “The council wants a team onsite in Brisbane, Australia tomorrow to secure and recover anything we can find from an abduction site there. The decision has been made to place you as squad leader for bravo team. Your actions in India showed that you have what it takes to be a good leader. Do you accept this position?
“Aye Lieutenant, I accept”

“I am glad to hear it. Assemble your team this evening and brief them on the mission. Dismissed.”
Pixiel stood from the table, gave a salute which was returned by Godliberator, and turned on her heel and left the room, tablet in hand.


“LISTEN UP AND GATHER ROUND!” Pixiel sounded off as she entered the barracks.

The rest of the squad members jogged forward to listen to what she was going to say.

“Just got a mission handed down from LT” I am tasked with gathering a team which I will be leading to secure and recover an abduction site in Australia. Faerie and Patchouii, I want you with me on this.”

“Aye mam” nodded both Patch and Faerie

“KC and Kon, I want you two to join the squad as well so long as neither of you have any objections.”

“No objections here” said KC. “Me either” said Kon.

“Good, the four of you follow me for briefing, the rest of you are dismissed”

Casham, Conrod, and Tofurkey returned to their card table to finish up their game.

Pixiel walked to the far side of the room and sat down at one of the tables positioned in the corner. Pixiel put the tablet on the table and began briefing the team for the upcoming mission.

“This mission will be strait forward. Secure the area around the grocery store and the abduction site. Recover any alien technology which can be found onsite. We run tight, cover each other, play things safe and come home safe. We dust off tomorrow afternoon at 13:00. Get your heads right tonight, lights out at 22:00. Dismissed."


The next morning, the team busies itself checking its gear and going over the topographical maps of the area.
“You ready for this?” Faerie asked Patchouii.

“I can’t wait” Patch responds. “My rifle is itching to put a few rounds through E.T.s head”

Faerie chuckled at that answer. “Good to know, lets finish checking and packing the gear to ready for take off”

The team finishes checking and stowing the gear, sits down for a quick MRE and boards the jet. After gaining clearance for takeoff the team boards the jump jet and begins the flight from Europe to Australia.

“I don’t think I will ever enjoy that” KC said as the jet made its initial rocket burst into the air followed by a burst propelling it forward and gaining airspeed.

“Just another walk in the park” answered Konflakes.


“Thirty Seconds!! Weapons Hot!!” shouted Pixiel

The jet shudders as the rocket engines slow the decent. The gangplank drops and with weapons up the team gets in formation for the assault as the jump jet’s engines wash a large cloud of dust over the team. A large grocery store with an attached book store sits in front of them. Signs of alien activity are everywhere and parts of the structure show signs of plasma burns, and several windows have been broken out.

“Patch and Faerie, on me, KC and Kon, Head to that abandoned car on the east side of the store. Make sure the book store entrance is covered.”

Pixiel runs to an abandoned delivery truck in the parking lot for cover. Patch and Faerie stack in overwatch positions behind her.

KC and Kon make it to the car and spot two Sectoid aliens at the front of the grocery store. One of the Sectoids spots KC and Kon’s movement to the car for cover and fires its weapon in their direction. The large glass window at the front of the store explodes outwards ad the plasma bolts penetrate through it. KC and Kon duck as the plasma barrages the car they are hiding. Konflakes sees that the car is not going to last much longer and is going to explode grabs KC and they run for cover at the front of the store. Patch sees them running and fires into the store to keep the Sectoid’s heads down which allows them to successfully reach cover as the car explodes.

Alerted to the explosion, two more sectoids peek out from within the book store and run back inside letting off strange guttural screeches towards the team.

The sectoids inside the store both fire where KC and Kon ran to and KC is hit by a stray plasma bolt.


The armor around KC’s arm is glowing red and melting away burning his arm as it drips off of him. Konflakes snatches KC’s Ka-Bar out of its holster and cuts the strap letting the shoulder plate carrier fall free from his arms. KC screams in pain as the remaining plasma and steel burns deep into his shoulder.

With the attention on KC and Konflakes, Pixiel orders Faerie and Patchouii to the window to flank the enemy. They both sprint over and spot the enemy hidden behind two checkout counters.

“I got left, you got right, on my mark.” Patch said as they both turn and raise their weapons.


The staccato burst of simultaneous rifle fire shattered the window as both girls found their marks. The rounds penetrated clean through the skulls of the Sectoids and their shrieks pierce the air as their corpses crumple to the floor.
Faerie drops her weapon and pulls out a medkit. She runs over to KC and sprays biofoam into his wound. KC clenches his teeth as it expanded to fuse the skin and muscle tissue.

“Like thousands of fire ants in a wound, there has got to be a better way” strained KC.

“Quit your whining and get back in position. You are not dead and you can still pull a trigger” Faerie snaped at KC as she shoved his rifle back into his hands.

Konflakes lets out a chuckle as he pulls KC to his feet and slides his Ka-Bar back into its holster. KC did a quick weapon check and punched Kon in the chest to let him know he was good to go.

“When you two are done having your moment, we do have a building to secure!” said Pixiel over the comlink.
Pixiel moves across the parking lot to take a good vantage point into the book store. Kon takes point and stacks on the wall beside the book store. Pixiel relays the position of the Sectoids to the rest of the team. Konflakes peeks his head around the corner and the Sectoid spots the movement and raises his weapon to fire at him.

“GET BACK!!” konflakes screams as he shoves KC back as the air vibrates with heat and the wall splinters out into the parking lot, embedding shards of wood in the back of Kon’s Kevlar vest.

“I am about tired of this shit!” mumbled Konflakes.

“FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!!” Konflakes screams as he pulls the pin on a grenade and throws it into the back of the store.

The explosion blows out the rest of the windows in the store and engulfs everything in the blast radius in flames. When the dust clears only pieces of the Sectoids remain.

“Good toss Kon, enemies confirmed eliminated. Move through the building and continue clearance” Pixiel stated over the comlink.

KC takes point and the team moves through the store to the back exit. The team gives the ready and KC opens the door into the back alley. Feet in front of him are two Sectoids at the ready. KC fires a quick burst at the Sectoids and forces them to split for cover. KC steps back inside as Patchouii tosses a grenade back past KC and behind the stack of pallets where one of the Sectoids took cover. A shower of purple and splinters showers the alley.

The team cautiously moves out into the alley scanning everywhere for the remaining Sectoid. Pixiel spots the enemy on the roof of the bookshop and they exchange fire. Pixel’s shot goes wide as she is grazed by plasma and sustains slight burns causing her to yell in pain. KC jumps at this, and fires at the sectoid. His shots hit the Sectoid in the leg knocking it backwards. The Sectoid stumbles back and finds itself directly in Patchouii’s sights.

“Goodnight muthafucka!”

Patch fires several rounds from her rifle, and watches as the Sectoid shudders from the impacts. The sectoid collapses on the edge of the building and goes limp. The thick purple blood oozes down the side of the building.

The team moves through the rest of the area and confirms that the area has been secured. The jump jet returns and lands in the parking lot. Several scientists move through the abduction site collecting everything they are able.

Pixie and the team board the jump jet and stow their weapons and gear.

“How is the shoulder KC?”

“Hurts like all hell, but I will live Pixiel. I still taste metal from the biofoam, ha ha!”

“Strap in and lean back, we head back soon”

“Aye mam”

KC pulls his vest over his head and leans back in his seat as the last of the cargo is loaded onto the aircraft.
The rest of the team boards, the gangplank is raised, and the pilot gives the engines a burst launching the aircraft into the air. Finally, the team is on the way back to base from a highly successful mission. Pixiel looks at her team, knows she is responsible for KC’s injury, and reflects to herself if there was anything she could have done differently to keep him from getting hurt.


When the aircraft touches down inside the base and the overhead airlock doors are sealed shut. The team disembarks from the aircraft to meet with Lieutenant Godliberator for debriefing, and KC is sent to the infirmary.

Pixiel stands at attention next to her team. She can feel the dried blood on her neck from the small plasma burn. She feels glad to be back but feels great that all members of her team made it back in one piece.

“The mission was a large success. No Collateral damage to civilians. Several alien corpses recovered from the scene, along with several alien weapon fragments and alien alloys. You suffered no casualties among your team and you secured the area quickly. Congratulations to you all”

“Thank you Lieutenant. It was an honor to serve for this agency” Pixiel quickly responded.

“The council wanted to extend its thanks. Pixiel for your leadership and proven ability to make difficult decisions you have been promoted to the rank of Corporal. Patchouii and Faerie, for your quick action to support your team and lead an assault on an enemy which had your teammate pinned down resulting in the destruction of the enemy and aiding to secure the area quickly and efficiently. You are both promoted to the rank of Squaddie and you will both be in assault roles in future missions. Konflakes for your quick response to aide your wounded team member and show a level head while under strong fire from the enemy. You have also been promoted to the rank of Squaddie and you will take a support role in missions to come. The council extends its thanks to the efforts of bravo team for making Operation Silent Mountain a success.”

“AYE SIR” shouts Bravo team in unison.

“Dismissed, Pixiel please stay behind for a moment”

The team turns and leaves the room. Pixiel closes the door and turns back to face Godliberator.

“Pixiel, I am proud of you, your teams efforts have helped reduce panic across Australia. The council gave its monthly report today and they are extremely satisfied with the way things are progressing. They are sending a sergeant to create and lead a Charlie team. Please find him a bunk when he gets here. Also before you head back to your bunk, go to the infirmary to have your neck looked at. That is all, you are dismissed”

“Aye sir”

Pixiel gives a salute which is returned by Godliberator. She turned on her heel and walked out of the room to head toward the infirmary.

“So I’m a corporal now….do I deserve it” she asks herself as she walks into the infirmary and sees KC on the operating table.

To be Continued….

A new male Sergent will be joining the team, and several research options are once again available.

Weapon Fragments - used to upgrade weapons
Alien Nav Computer- used to target ufo's better
Carapace Armor - upgraded body armor
Sectoid autopsy - used to learn more about this enemy
Thin Man autopsy - used to learn more about this enemy

Vote in the comments your choice for the next research option, and vote which member of T9K will be the new Sergent to lead Charlie team.

I hope you guys enjoyed this entry in the series and I hope all of you look forward to part 3. Voting will end this Friday, I look forward to hearing what you guys think.

To continue to keep up with the current roster and what to vote on, do not hesitate to follow the thread for this series .
Carapace Armor - with all the injuries, some better armor would be nice. Before I get tossed into the fray.

I agree with moondoggy. Beese for Preside-.....I mean Sgt.

Edited for new person.
conrod is actually already a recruit and needs to earn the rank as he moves up. the council is the one sending the sgt because of the last mission success.....soooo choose someone who is outside the roster. I will update the thread for this this evening at some point to list the roster and stats of the game up to this point to help everyone keep up.
Brilliant! Except for 2 blatant exceptions.
1) I do not throw grenades. Grenades throw me. Cos I'm obviously more dangerous than a grenade.
2) If KC punched my chest, he'd need a new arm.

And I'm voting for Sergeant TimmyB. Because he's a ghost. He doesn't exist. And he won't know I mentioned him. He's also going to get killed in the series. But he also won't know this. :D

And get that damn Carapace armor already. It's freaking badass as hell.
Weapon Fragments and Thin Man autopsy!

Skidmark should totally be the new Sergeant. His real life persona, mannerisms and sayings such as 'Piss! Shit! Ass!' when he gets wound up would go down a treat ahaha.

Top scribbles as always :)
Needs more Guile hair.
What's the problem.
We need one episode where everyone sits down and gets nice big flat-top haircuts, and then they go out and shoot some shits.

Also needs more Vorsprung