Team9000 Members Alignment - Coexistence of Good and Evil ... and Neutral

Chaotic neutral.
View attachment 71509

This is what I think of all of you. If I missed you out then I'm sort of sorry... sort of. But if you want an explanation I'd give you one. :D


-Conrod belongs in Lawful Good cuz hes always doing the right thing. Doesn't disobey the Woot and doesn't like any infractions whatsoever. You best be on your best behavior, but don't expect him to smile about it.

-I don't care about any of your feelings but I am always an opportunistic person whom loves to acquire. I don't like losing anything I have (like my membership in T9k) so at least there's limits to evil.

-Woot belongs in Chaotic Good cuz whatever he does isn't orthodox, but at least it benefits the community. It's always for the best in the end.

-Pixel can go get fat and work in a zoo.
reason for being in Chaotic Evil...?
Btw.. most of you guys I barely interact with... And T9k is so fulla people -.-"

Go ahead and put up your own Alignment system with this thread. It only takes 20 minutes @_o
It turns out I'm Chaotic Good, Funny thing is that it sums up my disposition on life and myself.
Chaotic Good.JPG

And where am I :p