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Terghan Cool -> Builder


Alright, as I had to stay at my grandparents for the weekend and watch their animals while they were in Ohio, Casey beat me to the punch and got the cradle posted. Being that the server is down, I'm just stealing one of his screenshots to get this application started. This is the newton's cradle we built. We have another project already in mind, and I will post the results as soon as the server comes back up and we can get it built.

Also, I helped that twerp of a brother build that durn hotel. Leave it to him to not mention me :p I'm not going to upload any pictures of that one. If you want to see it, he's got several pictures of it and it's three conjoining towers on the forums. It's pretty badass.

Here's a link to the thread with said pictures; http://www.team9000.net/threads/cacash10-cool-builder.2912/


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Casey made it to builder, using only the stuff we created. Perhaps you should peruse his thread again?
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. You'll have to live with the cool worlds for just a bit longer :D.
Alright, got this DNA double helix strand worked out after a little messing around. The work of myself and cacash10. The protein strands may change somewhat, as I finished this piece after Casey left for the night, so keep an eye out for minor changes. Other than that, though, I felt it turned out pretty good.


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I'm going to add some picture's of the hotel after all. It can't hurt, and I'm 99.99999% sure Casham doesn't actually read what's written in these applications. You guys need more people to look these over and give better, more personal responses. Anyway, built this way back in Guest77 with cacash10. He didn't take any pictures of the lower floors, but this thing went from the floor to the ceiling of the game world. These are just the pictures off one of his promotion apps, as the world no longer exists and I cannot get better pictures myself. Enjoy.


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