TF2 is dying?

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Well-Known Member
I went to play tf2 just now, and i noticed no1 was online, but the server was up. it's been like that for quite a while now, and its boring with one person. i was wondering where everyone went?
I wantz to play TF2... I just don't know how, but if you teach me I can play. :3
It's not dying. We play in spurts. I know for a fact there was several T9Kers on yesterday afternoon, probably a few hours after you posted this thread. If you ever want to play TF2, get on mumble and let people know, there's always at least one person who's willing to get on and play with you.
Its not dieing just because we don't play it allll the time. When we feel like playing it, we play it.
Get on mumble and you will find people to play with you. I play TF2 regularly. And so do other T9K members, to many to even mention.
On mumble one of us will decide to get together a lot of people to play TF2. it's usually ConroD. so if you spend more time on mumble you would know when to play :D
Mumble is the way of communications here, i rarely go on myself, but spark up some tf2 and I will join, cant get to the #1 spot on the server without people playing :trollface:

well the server needs to be updated as well
There will often be random, sporadic bouts of T9K TF2. When one happens, get on. It is incredibly fun.
And just to let everyone know - I'm always up for some TF2. Message me on Mumble, Steam or on here, and I'll be there almost without a doubt.

i need free keys, i know this is not part of this forums, but i keep on finding mann co crates. >:(

Just scrap your Mann Co. Crates. Either that, or buy keys. It's unlikely anyone will give you free keys as you can only obtain keys through actually purchasing them, and if someone has bought a key, they're probably going to use it themselves. Not to mention, that's an annoying advertisment-type-thing. Leave that to in-game, or just not at all. -_-
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