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ThaProfessor wants YOU! - Multi-server pvp guild

Addz me now or my :mudkip: getz angry

and :dineinhell: is his bodyguard

EDIT: IGN is ZenMagsRule
EDIT2: Thanks :D
dont join. even if uve done one little thing wrong on this server. they wont let u join their faction. its pointless
dont join. even if uve done one little thing wrong on this server. they wont let u join their faction. its pointless

Stuart we had a vote. We have to be able to trust ever single member on our team wholeheartedly and I think you ruined that for some people when your "mouse glitched" and the tunnel got griefed. Instead of bitching and moaning about it, how about trying to earn everyone's trust back?
Here's the thing; we are a team, we work together to accomplish a goal. Everything that's gathered, from sticks to Diamonds, it's a PUBLIC resource. Not only is it for everyone in T9K, if the enemy invades our base they can invade and take our resources as well, which is why it's critical to shut doors, hit levers, leave no path behind open. Another thing is the public chat, we all understand how hard it is to sit there and take someone talking smack, but just remember, their time is about up. Talking smack is fun but people get angry real easy and words start flying real fast, always ends up with pissed off people wanting to go kill them. In due time my friends, we will have our revenge.

Do your part in gathering resources and helping other players out, the faster this goes the easier it'll get, the easier it gets, the sooner we kill the enemy. Also; don't get butthurt about getting kicked out, there's obviously a reason for it. I've seen people get kicked out and I've watched Prof and others say multiple times to that individual to stop doing whatever it is their doing wrong but the person doesn't stop. Don't get pissy for something that's your own damn fault. If you want back in, regain the trust of the leaders and the members.

Hoorah T9K, keep up the good work.
Protip: Don't get yourself banned on the MCBan network. The team9000 servers allow only players with a perfect 0-ban record (actually... they might allow one ban -- I'll check later).
Here we have the base of the GOCULT gentlemen,

Coordinates are just a little ways away for safe distance.

better photos coming.


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ok guys, just to update some stuff.

GOCULT are little bitches who have to use hax and abuse glitches to acheive anything, so if you see a member of gocult, beware of hostility, also beware for damage and invis haxs.