The Adventures of Team9000.


Well-Known Member
Warning: the following story is the result of pure boredom and sheer boredom. Also if your not involved don't be offended....

Note: Long time members will only get these references...

So as our hero's are transported into the magical world of Minecraft, they fall from the sky and land in the block representations that are so called...water. They check in there surroundings, then themselves, but to notice they still have maintained there human form, but in exist in a world of bits and pixels. How peculiar this is and As to what they will do and as to what they will make of this world is for you to find out.....

[All 5 screaming and splash into the water and crawl out of lake]
Wooty: "What the hell is going on!?"
Casham and Ozy:"This isn't Dead Island!"
Conrod: "This isn't classic!"
Tofurkey: "This isn't the world heavy weights competition...."
Jetmike: "Your not the hooker I fell asleep with..."

Wooty: "Wait, is this? Minecraft? How the hell did we get here?! This is a game, this is impossible!"
Tofurkey: "Should we go along with whatever is going on or try to find a scientific explanation?"
Ozy: "Is this possible? Maybe we went through some time space warp thing....."
Casham: "Wait, if this is minecraft...and were actually in the game...and we still have human form..."
Jetmike: "We can go pick up more hookers?"
Casham "No, we can do whatever the hell we want!"
Wooty: "Couldn't we already do that..."
Casham: "Think of the possibilitys!"
Wooty: "like....?"
Casham: "....." "We could go do what Jetmike says..."
Jetmike: "Im down with that."
Conrod: "We can ban everyone.."
Wooty: "Or we could use my Iphone and use the internet for eternity..."
*pulls out iphone*
Wooty: "Why is my Iphone 8 bit....?"
Casham: "Why is my coconut 8 bit?"
Conrod: "Why is my....never mind..."
Tofurkey: "We could build something to get us out of here"
Wooty: "Wait, can we "defy" the physics of minecraft since we are like this?"
*picks up block and breaks it to bits*
Wooty: "I got this all nuder control"
Wooty: "Ozy"
Ozy: "hmm?"
Wooty: "Wanna build a plane?" *trollface*
Ozy: "Can it be a flying golden apple?"
Wooty: "No...."
Casham: "Can it be a coconut?"
Conrod: "Can it be a chav?"
Jetmike: "Can it be a hooker?"
Wooty: "its gonna be a normal plane..."

Chapter 2:
After several hours of gathering materials and building they stumble upon a little problem..and by problem I mean big...and by problem I mean problems.....

Wooty: "Ok, jetmike you go gather wool for the wings..." "uhhh casham, do you wanna go get wood for the machine?"
Casham: "I can get wood off a lot of things woot..."
Wooty: "moving on..." "Conrod, wanna go mining for coal for the engine"
Conrod: "Wait Im doing what now?"
Wooty: "awesome" "ummm Ozy, build the engine"
Ozy: "out of what?"
Wooty: "redstone...iron..."
Ozy: "I hate you..."
Wooty: "yes, I know Im awesome." "Ill draw out a design..."
Wooty: "now where did I put my ipho- oh...right..."
And so our hero's gather there resources and valiantly begin to discover the wonders of the game....Oh, if only sarcasm was included in text...
*finishes drawing design for plane in the sand*
Wooty: "Ok. Done."
Wooty: "Why is that forest on fire? Is Vorsprung here too?"
*conrod spawns out of nowhere*
Wooty: "Oh! can I guess what you died by this time!"
Conrod: "Fuck off..."
Casham: "umm woot....would you be mad if I took all the wood and made it into something...
Wooty: "What did you make?"
Casham: "now we have shelter!
Wooty: "The wood was for the plane..."
Casham: "oooohh...."
Tofurkey: "ummm...what do you want me to do?"
Wooty: "Just keep the creepers endermen skeletons and zombies away at night by talking."
Tofurkey: "is that why you wanted me to tell you my life story?"
Wooty: "mmhmmm" "Also I never knew you were Mr t''s brother..."
Tofurkey: "he got the pity of the fool joke from me when I told him to stay away from my room at the age of 5..."
Wooty: "You dont say..." "Anyways, where is jetmike?"
*meanwhile in the land of jetmike's mind*
jetmike: zzz...zz.....zzzzz...
Creeper: Ssssss.......ssss....ssss....
jetmike: "oh I love you to sss....."
Jetmike: "wait....." *opens eyes*
Jetmike: Your not the same creeper I fell asleep with.
*jetmike spawns next to everybody*
Jetmike: "Dont ask..."

*to be continued..*
*made out of pure boredom