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The Burj Khalifa Tower(dubai) remake by jslam01

IDEA! If you can't move it...
Put Star Wars stuff INSIDE it! It's brilliant!
If mods let this slip, we might as well go build a giant tank or TF2 dude in Zone16 :megusta:
FFS dude i saw you do this on the other thread too, could you seriously get less butthurt? it's not like it affects you in such a huge way, yes! it doesn't belong here, but instead of telling that peacefully you rage all about call him a noob and then rage some more....
FFS dude i saw you do this on the other thread too, could you seriously get less butthurt? it's not like it affects you in such a huge way, yes! it doesn't belong here, but instead of telling that peacefully you rage all about call him a noob and then rage some more....
rage? I'm more disappointed by the noobness of today's builders.. too damn lazy to read the wiki and inform themselves on what Zones are, and too damn illiterate to read what the Zone's theme is when they enter the Zone.
thank you for calling me a noob! i like it very much! Anyways i made it kind of star wars with two sabers up front, and a lightsaber floor.
thank you for calling me a noob! i like it very much! Anyways i made it kind of star wars with two sabers up front, and a lightsaber floor.View attachment 98000 View attachment 98001

1.) Promotion application denied.

2.) iTunes requires your attention.

3.) Who even uses full window things in the task bar?

4.) Use the screenshot button in WoM, it won't show any menus or text and will only be the game window.

5.) IE? Seriously?
1.) Promotion application denied.

2.) iTunes requires your attention.

3.) Who even uses full window things in the task bar?

4.) Use the screenshot button in WoM, it won't show any menus or text and will only be the game window.

5.) IE? Seriously?

IE, with this right there on the quick launch

jerzey why are you so creepy? and also very "observant" person!!! PS- that was my iphone plugged in so the itunes thingy wanted me to update:)